[ Chapter 70 ]

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Y/n's pov.

" My lady "

I hum in response as I look up at Calliope sitting in front of me in this carriage.

" Your stress eating again, have some water before you choke " she said.

I furrow my eyebrows then look down at my hand where I'm half way through a cookie jar.

" Oh. . .sorry " I said and grab a napkin on the side to wipe the crumbs off my lips and my skirt.

I sigh before closing the jar.

" No need to apologize, is something troubling you, my lady? " She asked.

I look up at her as I swallow the last few pieces in my mouth and shake my head with a smile.

" Thanks for asking, I'm just thinking about this trip. . .I don't know what to do " I said and set the jar aside.

She pass me a flask of water.

" Maybe you could start by getting closer to lord Zane "


The water got caught in the wrong pipe and I start struggling to breathe, Calliope gasped and start patting my back.

" I'm so sorry!, I shouldn't have mentioned!, Are you alright?! " She panics and I cover my mouth as I keep coughing.

I shake my head and try to calm myself down as tears just stream down my face then finally caught to my breath. Taking little sips of the water to relief my throat and Calliope eyes furrow with worries.

" Why would you say that? " I asked and take deep breaths.

" My apologies, my lady, I overheard your conversation with the queen, I couldn't help myself, please forgive me " she lowers her head.

I clear my throat and put my hand down from my torso, she bit her bottom lip nervously.

" It's a bad advice " I said.

She looks up at me in confusion.

" You agree? " She asked.

" Not exactly, yet again, I have permission from the queen herself " I said.

She smiles and I smile back at her.

" Who knows how long we'll be gone for " I turn to the window and lift the curtains.

There I see Zane ahead of the carriage on his black stallion with Gene beside him, their just talking while I lean beside the window. Admiring the view when he turn his head towards Gene and his side profile made me blush for some reason, he's not even wearing his mask.

" At least I know he'll always be there with no interruptions " I said then put down the curtain.

I look over to Calliope who's smirking and I just scoff hitting her playfully and she giggles. I sigh in the end and lean back on this bench, my lips just uncontrollably smile and I kept fiddling with my skirt to try and calm my nerves right now.

So much is going through my brain, and so much is happening too fast.

" My lady, your nose " Calliope said and I furrow my eyebrows as I lift my hand to my upper lips.

Blood just stains my fingertips and Calliope used a handkerchief to slow down the bleeding.

" Damn it " I said and wipe the blood off.

" That was all of a sudden " Calliope said and I hold the handkerchief myself.

" I'm okay " I said and she pour some water on another handkerchief to cleen the blood on my fingers.

Stargazing【Zane X Reader】[ Ongoing ]Where stories live. Discover now