[ Chapter 15 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Some soulmates are just not meant to be together forever " the lanterns around the stage dims down as the crowd claps their hands.

I sit here with my strawberry skewer when I heard sniffles, I turn my head to my left and see aunt Mei wiping her nose with a napkin on aunt Xavia's shoulder who's clapping normally and uncle Axel next to her, lamely clapping with the twins crying on his shoulder.

I hear more sniffle and turn to my right where Austin and Cade are sitting still but their eyes are bloodshot, Ellis and I look at each other with shrug and I take the last bite of my strawberry.

" Your all amateurs " Xavia stands up from the bench.

" Ah! " Mei falls but got up quickly on her feet.

" How are you not sad?, Raul was ready to marry Jane, and she just stabbed him in the heart " Mei said.

" It's just a made up story to break all of your spirits " Axel said as Luciana and Cleo cling onto his arms while trying to calm down.

" I'd say Raul deserved it " I said.

Mei and the twins gasped, even Austin and Cade.

" I mean, he did betrayed her first and then she ended up in the abyss because of him, he tried to make amends with her and it worked but since she joined the abyss, she was corrupted with the negative magic by the evil king, she believed everything he said and Raul denied everything when she explained, so she hates him and stabbed him " I said.

" You are a devil in disguise " Mei sniffles.

" We sat down for an hour to listen to a story that is fiction, I only take it as interesting " Ellis said.

" Also I'm out of strawberries " I look at my skewer I'm holding.

" Let's get you some more " Axel then approaches me after shoving the twins to Xavia.

He turns me around and start pushing me to a direction.

" Hey!, Don't leave me with these whiners! " We hear aunt Xavia shouts.

" You'll survive! " Uncle Axel said and have his arm around my shoulder.

" Are you sure it's okay to leave her there? " I asked.

" Of course not " he said and we shrug it off.

We approach the same store that was selling the skewers and I got two more as he pays for them, we walk around while I eat and I notice him holding the glass spheres and having it spin around his right hand.

" What are those? " I asked.

He hums and look down at his hand before paying attention in front of him.

" Crystal quartz, they're good for meditation, I keep them for thinking " he said as we continue to walk.

I take another strawberry off my skewer and four are left, there's six strawberries each skewer and somehow cheap, we've been here for hours and so far the night is wonderful. There's fireworks music's and even the storyteller we just listened to, some of stores are selling food and drinks, some are accessories but mostly food.

Still chewing on my second strawberry since they're all humongous, I look around to see what else I can get when I notice familiar faces by the accessories, all three brothers talking to each other, well two of them and one is focused on the stud buttons set.

I see uncle Axel is distracted by looking at the stores and it gave me the opportunity to make a run for it, I approach and he doesn't seem to notice.

" I think the blue one suits you " I said.

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