[ Chapter 20 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

I feel comfortable and warm which is the first thing I can say right now, I breathe in through my nose before exhale then open my eyes. It's not so bright and not so dark which had me lying here thinking to the unfamiliar room. A few seconds later memories rush in and I put my hands over my stomach where I feel nothing and only the fabric of this outfit I'm in.

There was no pain so I didn't hesitate to get up and look around more, this place looks luxurious and unfamiliar. I can smell the scent of lavender in the air, there's candles lit around the room and I get off this bed. As soon as I stand up, I see I'm wearing a normal outfit but plain with a Pisces symbol on my left chest. It's one of those patient outfits.

I just sit back down when a wave just hit me from standing too fast, I hold my head before blinking eyes to get rid of the stars I'm seeing until I hear a door open.

" My Lady? " A familiar voice speaks.

Once my vision clears I look over to who it is.

" Calliope? " I asked and see she brought a tray of medicine and put it on the bedside table.

" You need to stay in bed, you can't move too much " she lift my leg and I sit her confused as she pour a cup of water.

" Where am I? " I asked and she pass the cup to me.

" This is your family's manor " she said.

I sip my water and look at her still confused.

" Family manor? " I asked and she nods.

" Lord G/f/n had just healed you, it's been a few hours after the battle and the enemies have retreated " she takes my cup and put it down before pulling the blanket over me.

" This manor is for noble blood, as you should be living in the first place, Lord G/f/n has you move and live here from now on "

" My mom and grams " I said and she looks up at me.

" Your mother is alright, she's in her quarters still unconscious, she is accompanied by your father " she said.

" Grams? " I asked.

" Lord G/f/n is with her " she said.

" You didn't say how she is " I said, she looks at me with a guilt look.

" Calliope " I said her name and she sighs.

" She's passed three hours ago from her injuries, Lord G/f/n is making arrangements for the funeral already along with the people of the village who died " she said.

I sit here in disbelief and shake my head.

" No, I have to see my mom " I get off the bed.

" Lady Y/n wait! " She grabs my arms and I look at her.

" What? " I asked.

" Your still weak, you can't go " she said.

" Like hell that'll stop me " I said and walk pass her when it felt like another wave hit me in the face.

I felt my body is unbalance and my legs gave up.

" Y/n! " A pair of hands hold me from behind and lift me to the bed.

" I'm alright " I said and place my hand on my forehead.

" You must rest, you've lost a lot of blood, it's midnight, so please lie down " she said.

I didn't argue and lie down with her hand gently putting my head on the pillow. I look up as the dizziness sets in, she pulls the covers over me and I grab her hand so she turns to me again.

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