[ Chapter 7 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" You pick up things quick for a slow learner " I block his sword and I hold this wooden sword tightly.

" Well, I got the hang of it " I said and push his sword away as I step forward.

He quickly swings his sword to see it's coming straight to my face, I lean my body back swiftly and I switch my sword in the other hand and the moment I turn, my wooden blade immediately hit the back of his leg and I stand straight after his blade went pass me. I turn around to him and he steps back with a hop and a snicker.

" That's an improvement " he wince then rub the part where I hit him.

" Did I hit you too hard? " I asked.

He stand straight then sheathe his sword.

" I'm fine, that's all for today " he said then turn around to the tree where he place his belongings.

He then start coughing covering his mouth with his arm, it started to get more restless and concerning.

" Zane? " I rush to him and and have my hand on his back.

" I'm okay " he said and I caress his back to calm down.

He slowly calms and clear his throat, I pick up his water canister, I take off the cap and pass it to him as he takes it. He drinks and clears his throat after, wiping his lips dry, I notice him scratch his neck then put down his canister.

" Thanks " he said.

" It's the aftermath of the poison " I said, he looks at me in confusion.

" The itch is from the poison aftermath, I only heal you but there's a chance the poison can come back " I said then turn around.

I kneel down and grab my bag, I take out a small rectangular box and open it to see the vials all in their slots and secured.

" I brought these just in case of emergency, my mom asked me to take one every time I go out " I said then find the one I had in mind.

Taking out the vial and stand, turning to him.

" Here, should help with the discomfort " I said and he takes it.

" Thanks again " he said then open the cork.

" Oh also the taste is sort of. . . . " He just downed it all.

" Mmm! " The back of his hand covers his lips as I made a wince expression when he struggles to swallow.

" Don't spit it out!, That medicine is very difficult to make " I said.

He looks at me in panic.

" Pinch your nose, it makes it easier to swallow " I said.

He looks away and pinch his nose, he stands there with his arm hugging his stomach and his other hand palming his face after swallowing.

" Do you need water? " I asked, he just nods and I pick up his canister and he just chugs the water.

" I should've told you earlier " I said, he exhale in relief and wipe off the water dripping off his chin.

" I need to sit down for a moment " he slowly goes down on his knees and I bite my bottom lip nervously.

I see him just trying to adjust himself while I stand here holding the wooden sword.

" Sorry for the hit on the leg, if it does bruise you could tell me and I'll. . . " I gesture my hand.

He stands and turn to me.

Stargazing【Zane X Reader】[ Ongoing ]Where stories live. Discover now