[ Chapter 34 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" When I take his body measurements, can I strangle him? "

" Should be asking M/n that " dad said.

" Who my wife loves dearly by the way " my breath hitch after aunt Lorelei wrap the measuring tape around my waist.

" Not to mention her mother died two months and a half ago " he said.

I exhale once she finish the measurement and write down on her notebook.

" He hit her F/n, you should do something about it, actually you should have done it a long time ago after you went incapacitated " aunt Lorelei said.

" I'm not incapacitated yet, but he's an old man, I'm doing something by doing nothing " he said as she walk up to him by the chair.

" How's that going for you? " She asked as she grab his hand and measure his wrist.

" Splendidly well actually, the more he gets angry, the older he gets, the faster he dies " he smiles up at her and aunt Lorelei scoff.

" Hmm, he shouldn't be alive in this age anyways and yet he's healthy as an ugly horse " she said.

" I'll make sure to put poison in his tea next time " dad said.

" Ha!, Should've done it earlier "

" I don't want to be in the conversation of plotting my grandfather's death " I said.

They both look at me and I pick up a cookie from the plate.

" I've already taken your measurements, you can leave " aunt Lorelei smiles and pull dad's body up to measure his waist as he sit down on the chair and his crutches beside.

" After I finish the cookie " I said and grab another one with my other hand.

" When the time comes Y/n, you should find a good gentleman to be your husband, like me " dad smiles.

" Oh really?, How good of a gentleman are you? " Aunt Lorelei asked as she measure his leg.

" Why do you think I have six children? " Dad looks down at her with a smirk.

" Ugh!, No details! " Aunt Lorelei got up with her ears cover and face with disgust while walking to her notebook.

I sigh as I eat my cookie but soon fade.

" If I'm not married to the prince " I said and lean back on this couch.

" If he does pick you, just, take care of each other and well try to be happy, we're here for you " dad said.

" Your leaving the part where I have to produce an heir for him " I said.

" It's just one " aunt Lorelei said and I let out a tone of unsureness before stuffing the cookie in my mouth.

" And it's not an "if" anymore, he already said he discussed it with the queen so it's confirmed, she will marry him " she said, dad sighs then look at me with a sympathetic look.

" She's right " he said.

I just turn away and stuff my mouth with more cookies without stopping.

" My Lady, you'll choke again! " Calliope takes the plate away and I whine.

Calliope pass me a glass of water and I hold it while struggling to chew as she wipe the crumbs off my face.

" Don't stress yourself out " I see aunt Lorelei approach me.

" Just don't be like me, single and live alone in a mansion " she sit down beside me and have her arms around my back.

" So lonely " dad adds the sarcasm.

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