[ Chapter 9 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

Calliope adjust my collar for me as I stand here.

" Are you sure it's not wrinkled? " I asked, she chuckles.

" You've asked that three time already My Lady, you look aesthetically pleasing " she said, I smile.

" Have to make sure nothing goes wrong " I said.

" Just calm your nerves and greet her formally " gramps said, I nodded.

" It's a normal event " he said.

" Your Majesty " we all turn our attention when a manservant greets.

A woman in a red dress waltz in this room with the crown on her head, her dark brown hair is long down to her chest and a few strands are braided with a few pearl clips to have them in place and out of her face. Her teal green eyes analyzes the room as she stands by her seat, there's even a Leo astrology stars sowed on the bottom of her skirt in golden thread.

" Greetings Your Majesty " everyone seems to bow and curtsy real quick and so did I in a way mom taught me.

She wasn't wrong, everyone is doing it in a different way, as we all stand properly she smiles when I notice her maidservant whispering in her ear.

" Don't stand on ceremony, please, I am happy to see everyone attending to this invitation, and for all mostly our special guest with Her Lady Y/n's first visit in the Zodiac Palace "

I lift my head when she abruptly mention my name, she smiles at me and I smile back when gramps nudges me.

" She's calling you " he said.

" Oh " I step forward and curtsy to her.

" It is a pleasure coming here, Your Majesty " I said.

" Please, make your first visit comfortable around here " she said, I nodded.

" It goes the same to all of you, enjoy yourselves while breakfast is being prepared, Y/n, walk with me? " She asked, I was surprised again and nodded.

I follow her as I glance at gramps who's smiling and we continue to walk out of the room while I have the chance to wave at dad and Aaron too. Calliope follows me along with the queen's maidservant, walking down this hallway, we seem to make our way outside into a garden.

" It's been overly two decades since a Pisces heir visited the palace, I'm quite surprised you arrived " she said.

" Well it is an invitation, I have no heart to decline you, Your Majesty " I said.

" Your beautiful as the rumors says " she said.

" There's a rumor about me? " I asked.

" Is this your first time in the city as well? " She asked, I nervously chuckle and nod.

" Well you should come often then, there's much more entertainment here for you, later after breakfast there should be gifts for you as well " she said, I furrow my eyebrows as we keep walking and I have my hand behind me.

" You made this arrangement for me? " I asked.

" Well of course " she turns away from the roses to me.

" Your the special guest after all " she said, I smile.

" I appreciate the special treatment but, I'm the same rank as all heir's of the clan, if Your Majesty would permit it, I'd like to be treated as equally as everyone " I made a light wince expression.

" You've been here for an hour and your already making requests " she said.

" Am I not supposed to? " I asked, she chuckles.

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