[ Chapter 60 ]

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Y/n's pov.

" Onii-chan! "

" Atsuki-kun! "

I smile as the little boy run and hug the dragon human with a smile.

" Onee-chan " Atsuki pulls away then turn as Akira approach.

" Onee-chan? " Kaito asked and Atsuki nods.

The three of them then started to talk in their native language that I didn't catch any of them.

" Umm, I hate to interrupt. . . " I step forward them they turn to me.

" But I kinda need to talk to you " I look at Kaito and he nods before turning to the twins.

He said something else as they both nod before continue to play with their toys, Kaito stood up from the floor then turn to me.

" I apologize for my actions earlier, Y/n-sama " he said.

" It's alright, sit " I gesture my head to the very low and small table with mini chairs.

I move the chairs away and pass him a cushion for him to sit down and I pour a cup of tea for him.

" It's been a while " I said as I set down the tea pot and rest my arms on the table.

" I know, I had to-. . .sorry, I needed the time for myself " he said, I sigh.

" I don't blame you for that night, we gave him a proper burial and I can tell you where it is if you'd like to visit " I said.

He picks up the teacup and shake his head before sipping it then set it down on the coaster.

" It's alright, let him rest in piece, I owed him a lot for saving me and now I owe you " he looks up at me.

" You've been through enough, I don't need anything from you " I said.

" No, a debt must be repaid, you saved my life twice " he said.

" Devon provided me a home, he helped me get through my toughest times and even sacrificed himself for me, but now he's gone and I have nowhere to go, I am willing to be at your side as long as your alive, no matter what I will repay you "

I sit here and take my time to process what he just said.

" I think your exaggerating a little " I said.

He snickers and kept a smile.

" I apologize "

" Kaito " he looks up at me.

" Your a dragon, you should enjoy your life out there with the other dragons that are free because if you stay here, I can not guarantee a safe place for you " I said.

" You don't have to worry about that, I actually planned ahead before coming here " he said.

" What is it? " I asked.

" I was already here for a few days and saw how other people struggled to communicate with Atsuki, and Akira is not that much of help either in translating " we both turn our heads to the twins.

" But I am fluent in both, I can teach them "

I look back at him.

" Please allow me to have this obligation to teach them and as well as protect you at the same time, I promise to try my best and not disappoint " he said.

" It's an honor to have you as my guardian but what I'm more worried about is. . . "

He looks at me with a curious face.

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