[ Chapter 69 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Hey! "

I was startled as I turn around to the shout and see Alecia approaching.

" Hey " I said a little softer and put my hand on my chest to ease the mini heart attack as she approaches.

" What the heck? " I asked.

She snickers then put her hand out to show two small identical purple boxes with a pastel ribbon wrapped around nicely.

" You said be done before today but I couldn't find you last night "

Right, today is Lucy and Cleo's birthday, I completely forgot.

" Thank you, the wrapping is pretty " I said as I take them.

" I heard about last night " I look up at her and my smile slightly fades but I keep them up.

" I'm sorry this keeps happening to you and your family " she said, I just shrug.

" Hey, you didn't try to kill me " I said and put the box on top of each other.

" But thank you for these, I appreciate it, you don't know how much this means to me, I haven't really gifted Cleo and Lucy so this'll be the first " I said.

I furrow my eyebrows when she gets close.

" Is everything oka– " I was cut off when she just wraps her arms around me.

" Okay " I said and stand here awkwardly with one arm around her waist.

" Laurence told me " she whispers in my left ear.

" Don't trust Lorelei or your dad, listen to G/f/n advices, please, Cathleen's never wrong with her visions " she finishes then pull away from me as my eyes slightly widen.

She gives me a smile of sympathy before tapping my shoulder.

" Zane and Gene are assigned to protect you, the rest of us are reinforcements waiting for a warning letter, I'm one of them, be careful " she said, I nodded.

" Thanks again " I said.

She walks away and leave with her maid, leaving me standing here just outside of the house. Preparing our belongings and other necessary things but also not much just to blend in.

It's the whole point of undercover, I'm not even wearing my armor, just a simple dress that says I'm a noble but not a special one. I turn to Calliope.

" Could you put this with my other things? " I hold the boxes and she nods.

" Sure, anything else you would like me to pack for you? " She asked as she takes it, I shake my head.

" Keep them safe please " I said, she curtsy then walk away to the small coffer of my clothes and medical supplies.

Laurence told me earlier he'll have Lucy and Cleo to join to make me feel better and I appreciated him for that. He also told me Ellis volunteered herself and Zane let her.

I miss him to be honest, we haven't been really talking much or spending time together like we should. I blame it on this world for ruining it, I wonder how he is now.

" You'll get the bare minimum from me " I turn around and see Julian approaching me with uncle Axel.

Julian holding his arm like a woman and he's wearing a casual outfit, a leather uniform to be exact. His long waist length hair is not in a ponytail instead it's in a half up half down styled. The top part had a few braids on the side of his head and some gold ring heir accessory down his long braid. He did his make up and his eyeliner is as perfect as it can be.

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