[ Chapter 10 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" He hasn't arrived yet? " I asked, Calliope shakes her head and I sigh stuffing a cherry in my mouth as she hold the bowl.

" If I may ask, why is My Lady so concern if he comes or not? " She asked.

" He and I have met, we've been friends for a short while. . . " I sigh and pick up a raspberry.

" I'm just wondering when will I see him again " I said.

" Well maybe sooner than My Lady thinks, it's almost the afternoon before a game begins which the Queen arranged, hopefully he'll be here by then " she said, I nodded then put the raspberry in my mouth.

The juice squeezes out, spreading in my tongue and I walk down this hallway.

" Forget it, he'll show up eventually, as for now. . . .I don't know what to do " I said.

" Would you like to join the archery game then? " I turn to her.

" Do I look like I'm good at archery? " I asked.

" No but they all have made bets " she said.

" Bets? " I asked, she nodded.

" So far sir Gene is winning " she said.

" What are they betting on? " I asked.

" His Royal Highness betted on money, overly a thousand gold, whoever wins the challenge gets it " she said.

" Sounds interesting, let's go and watch then " she nods and guide me done this hallway.

" Who's the prince by the way? " I asked.

" That would be Prince Ein Clarkson, an heir of he Capricorn clan. " she said.

" He was also crowned last year as the heir to the throne " she said, I nodded.

I finish the fruits in the bowl and we arrived at an exit down a pathway with a roof over our heads there's another door where the guards open them.

" Lady Y/n " the guards greet with his bow on his back and I smile entering the arena.

I see it's crowded here too with familiar faces standing by the end of this huge area, I intertwine my hands behind me and approach them as the gentlemen's have bow and arrows while the ladies are seated with teas and cakes prepared.

" Hello everybody " I said.

I see Aaron stepped forward and bow.

" Lady Y/n " he bows and I chuckle then curtsy.

" You finally joined " I see Katelyn approaching me with a bow and arrow in hand.

" Well, the betting rumors got my attention to join " I said.

" I'm grateful My Lady find archery as intriguing as herself " I look over Katelyn's shoulder to the man approaching us.

He has jet black hair and silver with the hint of green in his eyes and wearing a crown over his head, he must be the Prince of Capricorn, coming from his outfit, it suits royalty.

" Your Royal Highness " Calliope curtsy and so did I.

" Please, don't stand on ceremony, everyone treat each other the same here, call me Ein " he said and suddenly take my hand.

" You are as beautiful as they say "

He bends down and kiss my knuckles, I smile and felt a little warmth on my cheek when he looks up at me and stand straight.

" Thank you but truth be told, I've never heard such rumors " I said and take back my hand.

" Well there are rumors of it whether you know it or not " he said, I smile.

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