[ Chapter 38 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" I've brought plenty of nuts for you " I watch as Katelyn reach in the satchel of her horse.

She takes out a pouch where we hear the nuts shaking inside.

" I know but is it enough is what I'm wondering " the crow said as he stand on the horses head.

" Yes!, With portion control "

" Squawk!, Portion control?!, Missy who do you think I am? " He sasses as he flap his wings.

" Percy said to make sure you eat certain amounts, because your getting slower these days so if your gonna fly a further distant, you're gonna have to be on portion control " she squinted her eyes at him.

" You just want me to starve " he lower his body and so did Katelyn.

" You can ask him yourself when we get back " she said then put away the pouch.

" If I am even alive! " He exclaimed.

" We'll see about that " Katelyn said then straighten her back as she focus down this road.

" Why did you bring him with us? " I asked.

Katelyn turn her head to me.

" It's not like I wanted to, lord Percy asked me to, so Matthew can report back if anything happens " she said.

" That's a good idea, I've been wondering, what do Libra's do? " I asked.

" Cartography " she said.

" A what? " I tilt my head in confusion, she chuckles.

" We make maps, basically art " she said.

" That's so cool " I said, she snickers.

" I'm sorry to say but I heard that you hardly write? " She asked.

I clear my throat and just nod.

" I'm working on it " I said.

" What a shame "

I snap my head at the crow and glare at him.

" You can barely write either!, You stupid crow, you don't even have hands " I said.

" I ain't stupid!, Crow's are intelligent FYI " he squawks with his wings expand.

" With the brain that's the size of a cherry " I look over my shoulder where I see Cathleen who muttered while riding her horse behind us.

Matthew just scoff and turn away standing on the horse's head.

" If you'd like to learn, you could come to my place any time, I'll be glad to help you " Katelyn said.

" It's alright, I'm already practicing with my gramps " I said.

By torturing the fuck out of my hand and write his boring stupid lecture.

" Well, feel free to ask me whenever you like " Katelyn said.

" Thanks " I said and she smiles as I smile back.

I avert my attention back to the from as I hold my horse rein, fiddling with the leather I just let out a quiet sigh and look around this road we're taking. It's been almost two hours since we left the city, can't say my ass is not tired but hopefully this market we're heading to isn't that far either.

" Are you alright? " I look to my left and see Ein on his horse.

I nodded with a light smile.

" Yes, don't worry " I said.

Stargazing【Zane X Reader】[ Ongoing ]Where stories live. Discover now