[ Chapter 1 ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" How long is this going to take? " I have my fist up for the rest to stop.

" We must be patient "

" You say that all the time and most of the time they ended up being ridiculous and then we ended up not following the plan– "

" Shut it, or I'll shut it for you "

" Mom– "

" For God's sakes Y/n, it's not easy, the Taurus has warned us about the creature and the description of the wound they gave is very unsettling and concerning, we must be careful " she said, I scoff then stand behind this rock.

" Why are we hunting it? " I asked.

" We're not hunting it, we're Pisces, it's what we do, Garte was nice enough to lend a few of his men to help " she said and we look at each other.

Her E/c eyes look at me with dull expression as her jet black hair is well tied up into a bun.

" You sound like a Pisces " I muttered.

We then turn our heads to the sound of a creature bellowing, there we see the enormous reptile walking around this clearing.

" A dragon? " Mom question herself.

" I see what you meant by unsettling and concerning " I see the tail of the beast has completely and severely wounded like something just took a big chomp for it.

It's barely lifting off the ground, he's just dragging it with little blood trailing, he has blue holo scales that reflects the light, his wings are large and it's beautiful as the rest of his body. With the sunlight they glisten and shimmer beautifully.

" Signal the Tauruses " mom said.

I turn over my shoulder and see the woman with dark brown hair and pastel magenta eyes in her uniform with a golden metal badge shaped of the Pisces symbol on the right shoulder.

I gesture her a signal and she signal back understanding before turning around and see the rest of the team getting passed on with the signal. One by one I see the Taurus clan members hop around the trees to the surroundings of the dragon and tossing lines at each other.

Soon enough they have created a net.

" Get the mouth " a huge muzzle is suddenly passed on to me by mom.

I look at her.

" Me?! "

" None of the Taurus knows how to lock it "

" I know hurting animals is not your strong suit but we're helping her this is to shut her mouth so she doesn't roast all of us, dragons breathes fire remember? " She asked, I sigh and grab it.

I didn't expect it to be heavy and it caught me off guard.

" Now! " I flinched to when mom just screamed by my ear.

The nets falls down on the dragon and the first thing he did was roar out while expanding it's wing, the others jump down and pin the ropes down tightly, they manage to get rope under the body to get the legs pinned.

Mom and I run out of the corner as two guys has lock it's jaw down by putting their body weight on the head.

" Hurry up! " The dragon squirm while groaning and I rush to kneel down.

I put on the muzzle as he bellows more.

" I'm sorry " I lock in the lever and he finally gave up.

The guys sigh in relief and get off of him as they have his neck pinned down by ropes.

Stargazing【Zane X Reader】[ Ongoing ]Where stories live. Discover now