[ Chapter 16 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Are you alright?! " Mom turns me to her and I nodded.

" I was pulled out of the way, don't worry, we have to help these people " I said, she sighs in relief and hug me.

" Thank God " she said and squeeze me tighter.

" Okay!, People to save! " I said and she let go.

" Remember your training " she said, I nodded and she rushes off in her Pisces uniform to other patients.

I already changed into my Pisces uniform and have an apron around my waist as I turn my attention back to the little girl.

" Hey there Rose, how are you feeling? " I asked as I have a needle and thread in my hand.

" What is that? " She looks at my hands while I prepare.

I sit down on the chair above her head.

" This is a magic thread that will heal you " I said as notice a blood drip down the side of her head.

I wipe it off with a napkin which is already soaked in blood, she suddenly whimpers while Emily is caressing her daughter's side where I've already put back her rib when she was unconscious.

" Is it going to hurt? " She asked, I give a reassuring smile and finish threading the needle since it was a little struggle.

" No, but you might feel some tugging, ready? " I asked.

I'm not so worried since I gave her an anesthetic to numb her pain.

" No! " She cries and turn but I hold her head in place.

" It's okay!, She's going to help you " Emily said and hold her daughter's hand tightly.

" Mommy! " She cries and gets up as the blood drips down her face.

" You need to lie down so she can work on you, honey " Emily said.

" You can hold her " I said as Rose sit down on Emily's lap.

" Just stay still, I promise I will be quick " I said.

Rose stare at the needle I'm holding in fear and turns away crying.

" She needs to not move much so her rib won't be dislocated again " I said.

" I'm so sorry " she said and I pass her a new napkin.

" Rose honey, your hurt really bad " Emily said as she place the napkin on her daughter's head.

" This girl right here, she's a Pisces and have healing hands like daddy " she said.

Rose looks up at her mother in tears.

" I want daddy's healing hands " she cries.

" I know, but he's not here right now, he's busy and while waiting, why don't we let this girl help you okay? " Emily asked.

" I'll give you candies if you behave well " I said, Rose turns to me and hesitantly get on the bed while Emily still has her hand on the wound.

" I want strawberry and grapes " she said.

" Okay, making demands right after " I chuckle and remove the napkin.

Rose lies down and I begin to stitch her head.

" Your husband's a Pisces? " I asked, Emily nods.

" Yes, he should be around here somewhere. . .I hope " she said and hold her daughter's hand.

" There's half of the people in the streets are injured, he's probably in another section treating other patients, I'm sure he'll find his way here " I said, she nodded.

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