[ Chapter 29 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" The needle belt " I read and look at the page where drawings and instructions are made.

I see a waist belt was drawn on the page with a small pocket on the inside where the needles are to be put in safely without pricking yourself. It also says the needles is arranged in a specific way that when patted down no one can feel them. I always wonder why gramps always wear a waist belt, at first I thought it was just fashion, so that's how he stick me with the needle so quick without me realizing. I now start to wonder how long he's been wearing this and could it be after he was attacked or maybe before that.

I flip another page of the book and I see an anatomy of the weak points of the body and the effects. I come across the one point on the neck just behind the ear that leaves you paralyzed and not being able to talk, I read the next one where there's a different point but same result except this one you are able to talk and move above your neck. I put my hand over my neck where it aches and I can't stop replaying the scene that happened in the drawing room, I sigh then look at the next page to the right and I furrow my eyebrows to how it's ripped out of the book.

" What the. . .? " I trace my finger tips on the edged of the ripped paper as I sit down on the corner of this room.

I'm in the restaurant Rose Ace that Zane mentioned and I'm just waiting for him since I am early, and I know I'm not supposed to show this book in public but I covered the front and back with some handkerchief and holding it in place so no one knows what book it is.

" What happened to you? " I mutter then hum in suspicion.

I close the book as a small gust of wind blows at my face as I did and put it inside my backpack beside me. I look outside the balcony at the sky which is a pretty cold day today, summer had ended a few weeks ago and Libra month is over and now it's Scorpio, autumn is here.

I then pick up my cup of beverage I ordered.

It's called Gleaming Sparm, I don't exactly know how it is made but it's very sweet and has a little bit of a tangy taste to it, good thing it's non alcoholic.

" Y/n? " I look up and to see Zane by the stairs.

I smile excitingly and wave, I notice he's wearing a fancy outfit than the one he usually wears. There's patterns all over his sleeves and it's pretty in an elegant.

" Hey " I said and he approaches.

He takes a seat in front of me.

" I didn't expect for you to come " he said, I scoff.

" I'm here aren't I? " I asked and he takes off his mask as he chuckle.

" Glad you could make it " he said, I giggle.

" Were you waiting for me? " I asked.

I notice a tint of pink on his cheeks.

" Sort of " he said quietly but audible for me, I snicker.

" I'm sorry I didn't come for the last few weeks, it's been very busy for me " I said.

No thanks to Jesse who was really serious about teaching the art of the needle, though I've improved well so I'm getting a day off today.

" I understand, I was told about the Pisces storage being ransacked, I'm sure it was difficult to recover everything " he said.

" Oh that, yeah, everything is handled and back to what it was but other than that, this place is pretty nice " I said.

" How'd you find it? " I asked.

There was an awkward silence and I look at him who's smiling but pressed his lips together to hide it.

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