[ Chapter 49 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Watch your step, m'lady " I gave a nod as a thanks to the pirate.

I step over the wood in between the door and entered this cabin and Luca is already making his way towards a certain direction and part of the room.

" Captain? " Luca asked and I look around this room.

It looks decent in here, many unique trinkets and design, though there is a smell of lavender and lemon in here. I hear coughing and as I walk towards behind the wall, I see captain Roanne sitting on the edge of a bed with a woman lying down, frail and pale.

" You will be better, we have the best healer here like I promised " Roanne said as she holds her boney hands gently.

" I thought I told you to stop. .this " the brunette coughs in between.

" You know I don't listen to you " Roanna said and she chuckles before coughing again.

" Captain " Luca said.

She looks over her shoulder and pass Luca, directly at me with a serious face.

" Save her " she said.

I sigh and nodded.

" Let me have a look at her first " I said and she stands up after putting down her hand.

I take a seat and pick up her hand gently, they feel so light that it could actually break if I don't be careful, I place my fingers on her wrist and read the rhythm of her pulse, after a minute I do the normal check ups and figure out the symptoms.

I place my hand over her stomach when she winces and in a blink of my eye a blade was place against my neck, it felt cold and I look over to Roanne.

" Do you think it's a good idea for me to have fear that clouds my medical judgment? " I asked.

She looks over to her wife who I assume felt her pain subsided from her face expression, she takes away the blade and I continue on to feel her stomach. I felt what like another layer of clothes so I push up the top one to see a layer of bandages wrapped around her and blood seeping through. From the coloration of her skin and her vitals I already know her condition.

" I need my backpack for this " I said.

" You will heal her like you did earlier " Roanne said.

" You don't understand " I turn my head to her.

" This looks like you just packed her and never treated the wound with any medicine, once I take off the bandages it could kill her in seconds, I need my supplies to prepare cleansing water and medicine " I said.

" Can't you just heal her?! "

" She's in septic shock! " I stand up as I shout back at her.

" If I heal her without treating the septic it could kill her within hours! "

I gasp and grunt when she shoved me against a wall by my collar.

" I brought you here to fix it!, You don't deserve the title Pisces heir if you can't do shit! " She throws me to the floor and I yelp when I crash onto a dresser.

" Wait, Pisces heir?. . .We're in Celeste? " The woman asked as she struggles to breathe.

" Mi amor " I see Roanne comforts her as I wince when I sit up from the floor.

I turn my head to look at the dresser where I see a blood stain so I touched my cheek where it hurts to feel a small cut.

" I. . .can't breathe " I see the woman grips her dress on ger chest and I struggle a little to get up from the floor.

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