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☆ 5. Chapter 5 Jiang Ge wants to be a bodyguard

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Chapter 5 Jiang Ge wanted to be a bodyguard

Chi Yan woke up, and woke up with a murderous face.

He's annoyed now, he's been asleep all along!

Since waking up from a three-year-long slumber, he has faced shocks, hunger, food theft and butt touching, as well as manual work.

Now I'm going to be cold awakened!

He stared hatefully at the window, which was only a piece of cloth, and couldn't figure out why it turned into winter at night when the sun was still shining in the summer!

Look at the snowflakes floating outside, how ruthless!

Some snowflakes had already drifted to his bed, and looking at a certain zombie emperor sleeping next to him who was not breathing, Chi Yan really wanted to grit his teeth.

This zombie slept soundly, as if dead, and his heart was very big.

The zombie can sleep peacefully, but he has to sit and wait for the snow to stop.

He had checked it in the closet before, and there was no such thing as a quilt, he scratched his head irritably, and now his arms and legs were frozen and unconscious, and it would only be colder if he was close to Jiang Ge.

The system was launched in time, and a smile came from the shy: "The host is big~ Do you need to buy a quilt?"

Chi Yan didn't say a word: "Buy!" A

new quilt appeared on the bed, soft and comfortable, and Chi Yan hurriedly got in and wrapped himself.

The system is still saying, "Do you need a whole set of winter equipment?"

Chi Yan thought about it, if it was still so cold during the day, it would not be feasible, he couldn't walk around with the quilt on, he gritted his teeth: "Buy!" Winter

equipment neatly appeared on the desk next to him, and Chi Yan closed his eyes depressedly.

Originally, there were only 5 points, but now they are gone, and they still owe the system 25 points.

Luckily, the system is cheaper... I don't know if there is a farmer in this process.

On the second day, Chi Yan was awakened by the dazzling light, he frowned and opened his eyes, looking at the warm sun, and then at the padded jacket and hot water bottle on the desk, as well as a small heater.

He closed his eyes, and it was already very clear that he was wronged.

It doesn't matter, Chi Yan comforted himself, and when the weather is cold next time, he can still take it out and wear it, no loss.

He sat up from the bed, and Jiang Ge was no longer around. Chi Yan lifted the curtain and poked his head out to see that Jiang Ge had already fed the small animals and was repairing the fence with the vines.

Ji Yan rubbed his face, climbed off the bed, and ran into the bathroom to wash.

After he washed it, the ten-point prompt for repairing the fence sounded, and it was immediately deducted by the system, and he was now in debt with 15 points.

When Ji Yan sat at the dining table and ate breakfast, he wondered, could he have been in debt in the future?

It seems that we have to go out and fight zombies as soon as possible, and we have to go out to find out what the situation of humans is like now.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now