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☆ 140. Chapter 140: Debtor Couple Angry CP

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Chapter 140 The debtor couple was angry and the cp

party Jiang Ge looked dark, and replied with a smile: "Okay baby." The

teeth of the three humans were itching with envy, and they were even more unhappy when they saw Jiang Ge's sassy appearance.

What's going on with Koike, what kind of love did they fall in love so early, they didn't even have a chance to confess.

Wei Tongyan's eyes were gloomy, and his feelings were something that he couldn't declare in his life.

Huo Yiyang has always been embarrassed to confess to Chi Yan, always feeling that he is too ordinary and not worthy of Chi Yan.

The only one who has a little psychological comfort is Liu Yutao, although he was ignorant and stupid before, but he finally expressed his heart to Chi Yan.

Even if he was seen as a joke by many people in front of everyone, he did not regret it.

Sometimes, a relationship doesn't have to have a result, but at least, there can be a chance to say it.

Among the three of them, he is the only one who has had this opportunity, which is quite enviable.

The other young couple glanced at each other and not to be outdone, took each other's hands.

Kuang Qize pursed his lips and said disgustingly: "Then let's go shopping too, husband~ People want to eat sugar and oil baba~" Ling Yi hugged Kuang Qize's waist and said softly: "

Okay, I will buy you whatever you want to eat." Chi

Yan wanted to vomit, and returned the sugar and oil poop, I think you want to eat poop!

Chi Yan happened to be standing beside them, and was shocked by this greasy scene.

I knew that he would be unskinny, and I had to find guilt for myself.

Kuang Qize is greasy, but he didn't expect the calm Ling Yishen to do such a harmful thing!

Chi Yan cleared his throat and said angrily: "Eat a fart!" You still want to buy him everything you want to eat, do you have the money?

Jiang Ge on his side snickered, and the little wealth fan was about to start again.

Ling Yi closed his mouth in a deep heart, he didn't deserve to say such things, he was a poor bastard now, and he was really penniless.

I still owe a lot of debt, and I feel like I can't pay it off in my life.

The young couple had no money, and they didn't have a crystal nucleus on their bodies, so poor that beggars would cry when they heard it.

"No money..."Ling Yi let go of Kuang Qize sadly, "I'm sorry baby, I don't have the money to support you, or you go to the boss to ask for crystal nuclei."

Kuang Qize turned his face instantly: "Why don't you go?" I still owe more than 100,000 yuan, and I can't use it anymore! "

I still owe more than 500,000 yuan..."

Chi Yan hugged his arms: "What about leaving here and here?" Act in front of me! "

As the boss, he doesn't need these two people to work on the farm now, and they can't help with the affairs of the base.

Kuang Qize and Ling Yishen rushed to Chi Yan at the same time, showing a poor smile.

Chi Yan is also very sad, he is also very poor, and he blames Jiang Ge, a loser, for spending money too much! Every time the money just goes into his pocket, it will be turned into points for Jiang Ge to exchange life water.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now