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☆ 22. Chapter 22: Mr. Chi is angry

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Chapter 22 Mr. Chi is


empty square was silent for a while, because no one dared to believe that after eating vegetables, the long-accumulated ability was actually opened overnight.

Chen Wolong wrinkled his eyebrows and groaned, if he really wanted to say it, he was willing to believe this unbelievable thing.

Because he himself could feel that after eating the vegetables brought by Chi Yan, his physical condition had improved, and his sleep was much better than before.

It is precisely because of the good sleep that the windows are stolen and they are unconscious.

In the middle of the stalemate, someone spoke weakly: "Although my ability has not broken through, I obviously feel that the mutated virus in my body is reducing."

These words stirred up a thousand waves, and the crowd suddenly boiled, and they began to turn their heads and ears without controlling the volume.

One of them said this, and immediately after that, someone followed.

"I feel that way too! Actually, I had it yesterday, and I thought it was a delusion so I didn't say it.

"I also ate half a potato yesterday, and I don't feel so much pain in my lower back and abdomen.

"I actually feel that the energy of the crystal nucleus is absorbed more smoothly. Confirming

one after another, Chen Wolong was even more convinced that Chi Yan's fruits and vegetables had miraculous effects.

Case... It seems that he has to speed up the pace, if the person who went to find Fu Anshan has not moved, then he will have to take measures in advance.

After Chen Wolong made up his mind, he tightened the coat draped over his shoulders and waved his hand with a smile: "Okay, okay, it's late at night, don't worry about this matter, hurry up and go back to rest, I will deal with this matter."


he finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion with heavy steps.

It seems that he could not allow fruits and vegetables to flow into the market and be bought by the untouchables and those who are five big and three coarse.

He had to prepare himself a little more, so that he wouldn't wait for those supernatural beings to evolve and worry about his position as the lord of the city.

Chen Wolong stood at the window and looked in the direction of the dormitory arranged for Chi Yan.

He squinted with a sinister smile on his face. Chi Yan, ah Chi Yan, although he is young and promising, his luck is also good.

But... Your good luck is coming to an end.


The second day was sunny, and the early sun hung high.

An ivy plant stole a watermelon, hid in the woods and ate it in a few bites.

Then dig a pit and bury the watermelon skin, this matter can't let Chi Yan know, Chi Yan's temper is much worse than Jiang Ge's father's.

After all, even Jiang Ge, who was powerful in all directions, was very afraid of Chi Yan, and they were naturally afraid of it.

It's like a child who is unconsciously afraid of his mother when he is a child, it's that kind of fear.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now