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☆ 126. Chapter 126: Reunion

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Chapter 126: The voice of reunion

is familiar but unfamiliar.

The strange heart beat wildly, but he didn't dare to look back.

But even his slightly drooping tone at the end is so similar...

Huo Yiyang and Liu Yutao's breathing trembled a little, they half-covered their sight, wanting to see but not daring.

How much hope there is in my heart, I am afraid of how much disappointment there will be.

As if someone had said something, a familiar voice sounded again, with a slight coquettishness: "Isn't this beautiful?"

"It's for kids, why would you like an adult to buy this cute spoon?" "Kuang Qize is numb.

Chi Yan snorted: "I think I'm a baby, Jiang Ge, you said yes?" "

If they didn't dare to confirm whether it was Chi Yan's voice, then now they could be 100% sure.

The name that appeared in the words just now was Jiang Ge.

He used to be the number one man in the school.

Young and promising, successful and famous, the end of the world came suddenly, and no one has seen Jiang Ge since then.

Jiang Ge, like Chi Yan, disappeared completely.

So... Have they been together all these years?

Huo Yiyang was the first to look over, and he saw the familiar face in his memory, the same as before, fair and good-looking.

The years never seemed to have left any mark on his face, and he looked even better than before.

The smile on his face is the same as before the apocalypse, warm and beautiful, and people can't take their eyes off it.

Liu Yutao looked at Chi Yan, and suddenly felt that he was a little sour, and his voice was choked and couldn't come out of his throat.

For more than four years, he and Huo Yiyang have been looking for Chi Yan for more than four years, and there are other people who are also secretly looking for Chi Yan.

But no one had ever seen him, and Chi Yan was like the world had evaporated.

In the past, they had doubted whether Chi Yan was really bitten by zombies, and then killed by humans to take the crystal nucleus.

Or maybe it's become food for zombies, and it's long gone.

But if they didn't get news from Chi Yan for a day, they didn't want to give up for a day.

After more than four years, this person finally appeared in front of them.

Professor Wei's back stiffened, and he felt that he should leave before Chi Yan noticed them, but his feet couldn't move as if they were filled with lead.

There was also Chi Yan's voice behind him, and he was extremely sure that it was Chi Yan.

Ji Yan's voice... He listened to the recordings on his mobile phone almost every day, and it was impossible to admit it.

Liu Yutao couldn't help it, he strode over, and at a distance of two meters from Chi Yan, the voices of several people trembled: "Chi Yan!"

Chi Yan sneezed, rubbed his nose and turned around, as if he heard someone calling him just now.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now