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☆ 80. Chapter 80: The Pool City Lord Who Can Be Relied Upon

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Chapter 80 The movement coming from the main

city of Chi City, which can be relied on, is so big, it is impossible for Qin Ruogu to remain indifferent.

Before the others could react, Qin Ruogu had already disappeared.

Along with his disappearance, there was his eager roar: "Don't hurt them! Miao Miao! He

already understood that he had fallen into a trap, and he also knew that Chi Yan and they must have known about him raising zombies in the base a long time ago.

What he had been hiding for nearly four years was bloodily dissected in broad daylight.

But Qin Ruogu was in no mood to pursue this matter now, he just wanted to protect his child.

His wife and children have been turned into zombies, zombies who have been kept indoors all the time, and they have little ability to attack.

But there are so many supernatural beings in the base, and when their panic passes, they will attack immediately!

The city lords glanced at Chi Yan and Jiang Ge with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but shudder, but they didn't say a word, and ran downstairs to chase Qin Ruogu.

The important thing now is to keep the zombies under control and not to let the people in the city get bitten, otherwise it will be out of control.

Chi Yan stretched out his hand and waited for Jiang Ge to hug him.

Compared to the speed of his own running, it is almost like a snail walking, or the speed of the Zombie Emperor.

When shuttling in the cold wind, Chi Yan wrapped his arms around Jiang Ge's neck and asked in a low voice, "You asked Kuang Qize to release the zombies?" Why didn't you tell me in advance?

Jiang Ge's chest shook, and the hand holding Chi Yan tightened: "Hmm." Because I don't want you to worry about it all the time.

"Don't worry, Kuang Qize has been asked to protect the zombies, and he won't let the strangers attack." After thinking about it, Jiang Ge still explained that his baby was too kind, and he probably wouldn't want to see these two innocent zombies hurt.

In Jiang Ge's heart, Chi Yan had already bothered a lot about earning crystal nuclei for him, and he didn't want him to waste his mind on other things.

"Oh. Chi Yan smiled sullenly in Jiang Ge's arms, it felt so good to be cared for by Jiang Ge.

Raising his eyes and looking over, Qin Ruogu had already stopped those who were about to make a move.

Qin Ruogu was completely panicked, and he had forgotten to hide his relationship with these two zombies, but the zombies finally saw the light of day, and he didn't remember who Qin Ruogu was at all.

Seeing him coming, his first reaction was to attack, seeing that Qin Ruogu was about to be bitten, Chi Yan still stretched out his hand, and a green green vine wrapped around the zombie's neck and pulled it back.

This saved Qin Ruogu from being bitten.

Qin Ruogu's expression is too ugly now, if it weren't for the chaos at the scene, it is estimated that everyone would find out that he was involved with these two zombies.

Chi Yan couldn't stand it, so he asked the creeper to step forward and roll Qin Ruogu back.

Qin Ruogu was still struggling, and Chi Yan walked over and pinched his cheeks: "If you don't want them to die, give me peace!"

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now