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☆ 144. Chapter 144: Application to take up three hours of you

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Chapter 144 Applying to occupy your three hours

to drink soup and drink well, and in the middle of chatting, Chi Yan suddenly disappeared.

Under the noses of all of them, the soup bowl disappeared.

Wei Tongyan and the three of them were frightened, and hurriedly looked at Jiang Ge, "What about Xiao Chi?" The

other three were Xi to it, and Yun replied lightly: "Go home, come right away." Chi

Yan returned to the farm, and when he helped him hold the soup bowl steady, Chi Yan took out his mobile phone at the central base and took a picture of his beloved vegetable patch.

The next second, Chi Yan appeared on the sofa again, his right leg raised leisurely, and rested on his left leg.

Ji Yan crossed Erlang's legs, and the corners of his mouth tapped the screen.

[Mission accomplished, very large orchard!!] In

order to highlight the insightfulness and surprise of the ability, as well as the authenticity, Chi Yan deliberately added two exclamation points.

"Koike. Wei Tongyan suddenly called out to Chi Yan, "Where's your bowl?"

Chi Yan was stunned, and sighed: "I forgot." As

he spoke, a green branch pierced through the air and steadily lowered a bowl on the coffee table.

"Xiao Chi..." Liu Yutao was dumbfounded, their Xiao Chi is too good!

His abilities are unpredictable, and he has his own vegetable cultivation base.

Chi Yan can not only disappear by himself instantly, but also make the alien plant appear out of thin air!

And looking at him, it seems that he disappeared for a while, went somewhere and did something.

Chi Yan lazily raised his eyes, raised his eyebrows and made a short syllable: "Huh?

Liu Yutao's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and asked nervously, "Where did you go just now?" "

I'm home. What he said was the same as what Jiang Ge said just now.

But going home? Where are you going?

"My farm, didn't I tell you that I have my own planting base? Isn't this going to send a message to Kan Xiongfeng, and went back to take a photo. Ji Yan raised his right hand and shook his phone.

The three people on the other side were silent, somewhat speechless.

Chi Yan's abilities were ten million times more terrifying than they imagined.

A text message was sent, and Kan Xiongfeng received the message almost in the next second.

Although he was instantly ecstatic when he saw the photo clearly, Kan Xiongfeng was suspicious.

I didn't get a reply when I sent a message to the other side before, so why is there a letter all of a sudden now?

Generally speaking, the tasker will keep the phone on him the whole time, seeing it as as important as his own life.

But just when he was suspicious, he soon received a new message.

[The signal was interrupted on the way to the vegetable field and could not be replied in time.

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