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☆ 58. Chapter 58: Ji Yan who was woken up

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Chapter 58 Chi Yan, who was woken up, was bored at night because he was bored below, and Kuang Qize planned to go up the mountain to find Chi Yan

and them to play poker.

is still standing on the bluestone brick, looking at the two people who are kissing with a stiff face!

I'm annoyed, I'm annoyed!

Monkey King has come to take them!

But they didn't do anything wrong, they were still in their own house, and only the two of them lived on the top of the mountain.

You can do it wherever you want, and it doesn't hinder anyone.

It's his light bulb that is too eyeless to see, and he deserves to eat dog food.

Kuang Qize went down the mountain with tears in his eyes, anyway, he was all kinds of envy, and he died of acid.

He also wants to fall in love, and when the time comes, he will also come to the farm as a worker, and he can't be the only one to suffer this inhuman experience.

Especially in the morning, when you can't speak loudly, and can only sit quietly on the ridge like a fool, that's called a miserable.

The whole farm was as silent as death, and it was terrifying.

Kuang Qize yawned, clasped his hands together, put his back on the back of his head, and looked up at the sky.

Why don't you go back to sleep, maybe there's someone in your dreams.

On the small farm at the top of the mountain, the young couple who had just confirmed their relationship held hands and admired the moon for a while, and also went into the house to sleep.

In the past, the two of them slept in the same bed, but Chi Yan slept soundly, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

But tonight was different, he slept straight the whole time, and his eyes didn't dare to wander around.

Jiang Ge slept on his side with his arm close to him, and stretched out his hand to cover his hand.

Ji Yan closed his eyes and pursed his lips, his nervous palms were about to sweat.

Probably sensing Chi Yan's nervousness, Jiang Ge laughed, suddenly turned over, and hugged Chi Yan.

Clearly felt Chi Yan's stiffness for a moment, Jiang Ge's mood became better and better, he liked to see Chi Yan like this too much.

Only he can see Chi Yan.

"Sleep, little..."Jiang Ge paused for a second, and then changed his title: "Baby." "

Boom -

Chi Yan felt that there was a volcano in his head, and it had erupted at this moment.

The hot magma rushed out, burning Chi Yan's head and mind.

He closed his eyes in a daze, and even stopped breathing.

Jiang Ge stretched out his hand helplessly, gently rubbed the tip of Chi Yan's nose, and said in a slightly teasing tone: "You can breathe, baby."

"Hmm! Chi Yan simply turned over, slammed into Jiang Ge's arms, and said angrily: "Don't call me that!"

He paused for a moment, then whispered to himself: "Don't call me that before you go to bed at night!" "

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now