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☆ 16. Chapter 16: Koike sets up a stall to sell vegetables

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Chapter 16 Xiao Chi set up a stall to sell vegetables

, Chi Yan played with the sunglasses in his hand, smiled and put them into the space.

This is a gift for Jiang Ge, as long as you wear sunglasses, Jiang Ge looks no different from ordinary people, so that Jiang Ge can be released in the future.

Jiang Ge squatted in the vegetable field to pick ripe vegetables, holding his sunglasses and smiling stupidly.

The system felt that there was no eye, it was just a sunglasses that didn't know how many hands, and Jiang Ge could be happy to be like this.

Jiang Ge didn't think that this was the first time Chi Yan gave him a gift, and the meaning was different.

Chi Yan, who was still shopping leisurely, frowned, he couldn't help but sigh, he walked all the way and found that everyone's stall had the vegetables distributed yesterday.

Some people may have eaten half of it, and some of them have been sold whole.

However, they were not sold at this time, probably because no one else had any extra crystal nuclei to buy.

The survivors of the inner layer did not come, probably because they felt that these were left out overnight and were not fresh.

Or maybe they feel that buying things from the survivors on the outer layer is too cheap, so they still haven't sold it in the afternoon.

Could it be that they're expensive? Chi Yandu saw many people stop and watch, and finally could only clench his fists and leave in pain.

He lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then walked over to an old man and asked, "Hello, where did you buy these little tables for your stall?"

The old man looked at Chi Yan with sparkling eyes, as if he was looking at a great good man, with a smile on his dark and thin face, and said, "I bought it at the stone carpenter's house in front, and his house is cheap."

Chi Yan was healed by this smile, took out a fat potato and handed it to the old man, and said embarrassedly: "My crystal nucleus is not enough, can I exchange this potato for a small slingshot for you?" His

doubts were because he felt that his potatoes were not worth so much money.

The old man stood up in surprise, shook his head vigorously, and pushed the potatoes: "No way, no way!" This one is too precious!

"Is this still valuable? Chi Yan was really stunned, it seemed that he still didn't know enough about the current prices.

Just when he was surprised, someone patted him on the shoulder, and the boss who sold sunglasses before scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hello sir, this is looking for your crystal nucleus, and you left before I took it out." "

The boss handed over a crystal nucleus, it was a first-level crystal nucleus, and just now Chi Yan gave a second-level crystal nucleus out.

He opened his lips slightly, and the surprise on his face couldn't be stopped, this is too cheap, right?

Do these survivors really make money? Desperately risking his life, he went out to find something to sell and came back to sell, and in the end he only sold so much.

"No need boss, sunglasses are worth more than crystal nuclei to me. Chi Yan smiled and put his hands behind his back, rejecting both the crystal nucleus and the returned potatoes.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now