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☆ 79. Chapter 79: The Lord of Qin City raises zombies

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Chapter 79: The Lord of Qin City raised zombies


and no one believed the coincidence he said.

If it's a coincidence, they screw their heads off and jump!

Chi Yan glanced at Jiang Ge in a panic, but Jiang Ge just looked at him with a smile, and he didn't know what he was laughing at!

"Just... Maybe they just saw people and smelled meat, so they were excited? Ji Yan hurriedly made excuses.

The city lord of Fangyuan's base stepped forward, and also learned from Chi Yan to stretch out his arm and swing it to the left.

The zombies were indifferent, and they didn't even give him a superfluous look, still staring at Chi Yan very intently.

Ji Yan was desperate.

"Anyway... It's impossible. Chi Yan had a weak defense, he didn't know what was going on with this group of zombies, and he was excited to see him.

"The Chi City Lord has such a unique skill, don't be so selfish, right? Chenxi finally found an opportunity to squeeze Chi Yan, and immediately jumped out to let Chi Yan be the savior.

Chenxi's expression was swishing: "Expelling zombies, this should be an easy thing for you, you shouldn't be such a person who can't be saved, right?"

Chi Yan squinted at the past, he had endured the morning light for a long, long time, and the reason why he had not asked for his life was indeed to maintain his good character as a kind city lord.

But now...

Chi Yan chuckled, and a thick vine wrapped around Chenxi's waist, lifting him up in an instant, and then hanging above the city gate.

"Since Mr. Dawn said I can manipulate zombies, then I'll use you for an experiment. Chi Yan leaned lazily against the fence of the city wall, and his voice was accompanied by Chenxi's frightened screams.

The zombies were originally not interested in this big man, but as soon as Chi Yan's words fell, they collectively looked at Chenxi.

At that moment, the morning sun was about to be frightened, screaming in pain and fear, and the zombies below seemed to be inspired by his voice, and climbed the city wall even more excitedly.

Fortunately, the city wall is high, and I won't be able to come for a while.

The other city lords didn't speak, and they somewhat felt that Dawn deserved it.

Chi Yan didn't think it was a big deal to see the excitement, he leaned on the wall and looked down, very anxious: "Stupid to death you!" Take a human ladder! Wouldn't that be able to catch his feet? The

zombies were silent for a moment, then yelled at each other, and under the surprised gaze of everyone, they really began to build a human ladder.

The zombies below were supported by three or four people, and then climbed up one by one.

Chi Yan: "Damn! "

You're too cooperative! Help me! Would anyone else believe that he couldn't control zombies?

The city lords looked at Chi Yan's eyes more and more wrong, but they breathed a strange sigh of relief, if sacrificing a morning light could save everyone, it would be very worth it.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now