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☆ 183. Chapter 183: Please pay for Ji Yan's wake-up gas

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Chapter 183: Please Pay

for Chi Yan's Wake Up

Gas: "You have a quieter voice. "The person who was about to speak was pulled away from the tent pile.

"What are you doing? Can't talk about it? He dissatisfiedly let go of the hand that had been held and snorted.

"Everyone is sleeping, they are all supernatural people, their ears must be very good, and their vigilance is also strong. In case they wake them up, you won't be able to eat and walk around. "The man said bitterly, this group of people is not as easy to mess with as it seems.

But the person who was pulled sneered: "What's the matter, wake up and apologize to them." Besides, we didn't mean to wake them up, but the Holy Son was not kind-hearted, and he was afraid that they would catch a cold when they slept outside, so he wanted to ask them to sleep in the house. The

man choked and could only shake his head and sigh helplessly.

If you don't listen to persuasion, forget it.

He wanted to say that maybe some of them had a good temper and would give you a chance to explain even if they woke up, but it didn't seem like that for everyone.

This afternoon, he also wanted to go with him to buy some vegetables, but he was stopped by a knife as soon as he approached, and he also felt how terrible the man named Jiang Ge was in his eyes.

He felt that it would not be like that if he simply approached them, they seemed to be extra wary of a person.

That is, the one who is called the boss, the one who is sleeping.

They all seemed to be guarding the man's sleep, and even the voices warning them not to approach were kept to a minimum.

So he thought, it seems that the most ordinary man may be the strongest of the group.

Even if his ability is not the strongest, but to be able to become the center of the team, then his strength should not be underestimated.

In addition, if those people are driven by him, his terrible value will increase exponentially.

Seeing that his companions were going back to continue to wake them up, the man wanted to stop them, but he knew that he couldn't stop them, so he could only walk away and stand in the dark and watch quietly.

The young man patted the tent on the edge of the tree, which had been wet with dew.

"Eh, wake up, it's starting to get wet outside, you go in and sleep. He spoke in a very impulsive tone, thinking that he wanted to sleep at such a late hour.

These people are just panicking, not sleeping indoors and sleeping outside, like a stupid fork, and have to waste his precious sleep time to call people.

There was no one in the tent, and they had already returned to their respective homes on the farm.

He is not a fool, knowing that it is humid at night, of course he will choose to go back to the farm to sleep.

But they didn't expect someone to knock on their tent in the middle of the night.

The tent was farm-owned, and it was knocked on and everyone heard it.

They snapped their eyes open, listening to the flapping sound floating in the air, and the man's impatient urging.

"Hurry up, sleep so dead? The Son told you to go in and sleep, don't be ignorant. The man yawned as he spoke, and the end of the yawn was followed by an insult from his Xi habit.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now