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☆ 40. Chapter 40: Leisurely Chapter 1

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Chapter 40 Leisurely Chapter

1 Yang Sheng took Ji Yan and Jiang Ge to Han Jinnian's residence.

At this time, Han Jinnian was sitting at home sighing, holding a big apple that was a little shriveled in his hand, and gnawing sadly.

He had the idea to go to the young man who sold fruits and vegetables and ask him for advice on how to grow vegetables that were edible without infection, but he never took that step.

This is an era of cannibalism, who would want to share the ability to eat with others?

If it is an equivalent exchange, he gives the crystal nucleus, and the other party gives the technology, which is probably feasible.

But the important thing is that he doesn't have so many crystal nuclei to give!

The study did not produce results, and Han Jinnian was very frustrated.

The apple in his hand had fallen from excitement before entering the lab, and it had been a month since it hadn't rotted, and it hadn't even lost much moisture.

It's just that the epidermis is a little shriveled.

Such a good thing! He couldn't study it, and he couldn't grow it.

I really can't help but cry when I think about it.

When there was a knock on the door, Han Jinnian happened to gnaw the apple until only one apple core remained.

He wiped tears from the corners of his eyes and sighed to open the door.


Han Jinnian opened the door and the first thing he saw was Yang Sheng.

"Something? "Han Jinnian is weak, and he is already a little desireless.

"Hello Professor Han, I'm bringing our new city lord to see you.

Chi Yan walked out from behind and greeted Han Jinnian with a smile: "Hello teacher, I am a student of the Agricultural College of X University, my name is Chi Yan... This is Jiang Ge, a student from the same school, and we are here today for something I would like to ask for your help. "

Chi Yan? A trace of doubt flashed in Han Jinnian's eyes under his glasses, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

Yang Sheng laughed: "Hahahaha, of course you have heard of it, this is the young man who brought vegetables and fruits to the base!" Now it's our city lord!

Han Jinnian's eyes lit up! Looking at this young man who was the light of life to him excitedly, he rubbed his hands nervously on his clothes.

"Come in, come in, come in!

Chi Yan and Jiang Ge entered the house, Yang Sheng glanced at his watch, was busy doing other things, and left after a few greetings.

Fortunately, Professor Han didn't plan to keep him.

The three of them sat on a small wooden bench in the living room and chatted for a long time.

Chi Yan didn't say how his vegetables were grown, because he himself had no solution to this problem.

"That's the professor, I have some seeds here, which are the seeds made from the vegetables before, and I want to give them to you to see if they can be grown in the soil of the base. "

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now