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☆ 150. Chapter 150: I'm surrounded by zombies

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Chapter 150: I'm Surrounded by Zombies

." Chi Yan's voice was not loud, but it was very inexplicable, which quieted down the noisy crowd.

Those people still looked at Chi Yan with some distrust, and Chi Yan didn't care if others believed him or not, he only did what he wanted to do.

No one moves, a zombie is not scary, they are all superpowers, and they can be killed very easily.

But they are afraid that something will happen, this is not their home field, they have been tricked in.

It is equivalent to Weng always catching turtles.

There could have been no accidents, but Chi Yan's purpose was to create an accident and let Kan Xiongfeng's true face be known.

He raised his hand, and the alien plant rolled Wei Bihua over, slamming him to the ground.

"As we all know, zombies are the enemy of humanity. But have you ever thought that many times, the people you can see every day are the ones who can threaten your life the most?

Ji Yan's tone was calm, calm enough to make everyone breathe down and listen to him.

There was only one person, Kan Xiongfeng was furious, and pulled out the wooden warehouse branch from his waist across the crowd.

Kan Xiongfeng's expression was vicious, and he aimed the pitch-black muzzle at Chi Yan: "If you continue to talk nonsense!" I'm not going to show mercy.

Chi Yan shook his head amusedly: "It's up to you?" Wine sac rice bag. He

had seen it before that Kan Xiongfeng was not as strong as he appeared on the surface.

In an environment of lust for profit, he eats and drinks well every day, and is flattered, so he probably has long forgotten his self-discipline as a soldier.

With enough food and drink, and without having to participate in the battle in person, Kan Xiongfeng has long become a waste with only height and stature.

The posture of punching before was there, but the force was like tickling, and the speed was so slow that it was sad, and he couldn't even catch a kick, how powerful a person could he be?

It's just that people nowadays are Xi using supernatural abilities to bully others, as long as he has high-level supernatural abilities, he can sit in a high position alone.

Kan Xiongfeng was angered by a sentence of wine bags and rice bags, he knew that his ability was actually not as good as before, but it was one thing to know, and it was another thing to be mercilessly pointed out.

The insurance was opened, Wei Tongyan pulled Chi Yan by the hand, and whispered, "Be careful." "

Everyone's eyes were on them.

They were thinking about whether to stand on the lord's side and beg for mercy together for a while, or to stand on the side of Chi Yan, who seemed to have some skills when he first arrived.

Just as they were struggling, a gunshot pierced the air and headed for Chi Yan.

The trajectory of the bullet is very human, and it has only one purpose, and that is to come towards Chiyan.

Chi Yan raised his eyebrows, could it be that Kan Xiongfeng's ability is to control weapon tracking?

He lowered his eyes, wanting to block it with the zombie corpse before, but saw Wei Bihua kneeling on the ground with sweat on his forehead.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now