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☆ 50. Chapter 50: The system is back

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Chapter 50 The system is back Chi

Yan really has nothing to say, and he can't understand the brain circuits of these animals.

"Forget it, if you want to eat it in the future, you can just show up, why do you have to be sneaky. I won't scold you if you take it openly, but you can't tolerate stealing my food. "

These two things are different in nature, one is above board, and the other is petty theft.

Can this be the same?

After getting what Chi Yan said personally to let them out, the squirrel was overjoyed and jumped around.

Soon all kinds of strange beasts appeared in the woods, and they came to me in surprise.

I want to be coquettish with Chi Yan. Chi Yan is a plush controller, which means that he likes long-haired animals!

For example, the well-behaved monkey sitting next to him at the moment, and a gray-haired fox.

Chi Yan stretched out his hand and stroked their backs, the body hair was soft and comfortable, but the body size was a little big.

He thought it was already a very different species among the mutants of the beasts, until a black panther appeared with graceful steps.

Chi Yan, the hillbilly, was stunned and looked at the black panther that looked like a hill.

How does it lurk in this forest? How big a place to hide!

In the past, the kind of rockery in the forest park was piled up to make this panther the size.

"You... Like a 50-seater bus..."This is the only adjective that Chi Yan can come up with.

If the mount is this thing, isn't it much more windy than a luxury car that needs to be refueled? You don't need to refuel for this!

The panther lay on the grass, shielding Chi Yan's sun tightly, he lowered his head and snorted.

It's smelling Chi Yan.

The smell of the owner reassured him.

I can finally come out, and after hiding for nearly three months, I can't wait to come out and play with Chi Yan.

Seeing that the master was surprised by his size, the panther opened his mouth and whispered, and the voice pack translated: "There are bigger beasts in the forest, but they are a little slow to walk."

? Chi Yan divergent thinking: "It can't be a sloth, right?" "

It's a tortoise. The panther explained: "It is the largest alien beast in the forest and lives in the largest lake. "

Chi Yan didn't even know that there was a lake in this mountain... What the hell is this mountain, so many 'Pokémon'.

Because he wanted to see the turtle, Chi Yan didn't plan to go up early, lying in the tent eating fruits, and chatting with the strange beasts by the way.

It wasn't until he felt the ground shake a little that Chi Yan came out of the tent in a panic.

"What's wrong? It can't be an earthquake, right? As soon as Chi Yan finished speaking, he saw a huge turtle coming out of the woods.

The aliens had long since pulled out their roots and hid aside.

If the panther is a hill, then this tortoise is a mountain.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now