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☆ 142. Chapter 142: Koikechi is an angel

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Chapter 142 Xiao Chi Chi is angel is angel

has no way of knowing, but Wei Bihua's three views were shattered.

He felt that Wei Tongyan must have some thoughts about Chi Yan, but he didn't expect Liu Yutao to like Chi Yan too.

But also, since this Chi Yan entered the central circle, he has been in an uproar, and people keep mentioning him.

When he talked about Chi Yan, he always couldn't hide his smile, and some of them were thin-skinned and even blushed and blushed the tips of their ears.

Every time Chi Yan wandered by, he would attract frequent sideways glances, and after he left, he would stop and look back.

In the dirty world, seeing a clean light, it is inevitable that people will yearn for it.

I heard that Liu Yutao and Huo Yiyang follow Chi Yan's ass all day long, and even Huo Yiyang, who has always had no good face towards people and is cold,

will laugh when he sees Chi Yan.

will willingly run behind him, on the premise of knowing that Chi Yan already has a boyfriend, and the relationship is very good.

Liu Yutao is similar, he was blinded before, he spoke and acted arrogantly, and he always looked like he was superior.

But in front of Chi Yan, he couldn't see him acting like this at all, only voluntarily bowing down and being small, smirking and flattering, blushing and pleading frequently.

! It's really speechless, what's wrong with this world, is it a person who can't walk when he sees Chi Yan?

Fortunately, he was firm in his heart and never disdained to look at the little white face.

Wei Bihua sneered in disdain, turned around and entered the laboratory.

Liu Yutao put away the thunder and lightning and strode towards the place where Wei Tongyan had left just now.

He is also here to complete the task assigned by Xiao Chi, but he can't let Professor Wei take the credit alone, he still wants to get Xiao Chi's praise.

Wei Tongyan was negotiating with people to add more zombies of different levels to come in.

Now that there are all second-order zombies here, if you catch some more first-order, third-order or even higher, will the progress of the experiment be a little faster.

Now it's close to the bottleneck, and the reason for the lack of progress may be that the level of the zombies has not been updated.

The person in charge of this matter listened, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He felt it made sense, but...

"Okay, Professor Wei, I'll go and discuss this matter with the lord, the result will probably come out tonight, or are you thoughtful.

Wei Tongyan bowed: "Mention it casually, you have to make an idea whether you do it or not." After

a few pretended greetings, Wei Tongyan left.

The corners of the man's lips behind him rose, maybe this idea is really feasible, if it succeeds, then this credit...

When he talked to the lord, he said that he had come up with it on his own.

Who made Wei Tongyan's brain so stupid, and he didn't go to the lord to talk about it when he had an idea? Isn't it God's will to let him take the credit?

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now