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☆ 91. Chapter 91: Tearfully taking the second base

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Chapter 91: Tearfully Winning the Second Base

"I... Need to eat human flesh? This is a very tempting condition, but Qin Ruogu is still a little worried.

Even if he becomes a zombie, he is still a human consciousness, and he can't eat human flesh.

Chi Yan was speechless: "No, you don't even need to eat!" He

wondered where this idea of "zombies must eat human flesh to survive" came from.

"Who told you? Don't get me wrong, zombies bite and eat people is just instinct, not a necessary condition for their survival.

Qin Ruogu's embarrassed gaze dodged, and said, "It was Professor Wei from the Central Base who said it, and he once gave this conclusion.

Chi Yan was stunned, and Jiang Ge, who was standing on the side, also looked over, his eyebrows tightened.

Professor Wei? The teacher who adopted Ji Yan?

How could it be that he brought it up ... It stands to reason that Professor Wei could not be such a blind conclusion.

Chi Yan was stunned for a while and quickly came back to his senses, his expression didn't change much, as if the Professor Wei he talked about just now had nothing to do with him.

"It doesn't matter who said it, but I don't think anyone has a better say than me. Chi Yan staggered his gaze and looked at the damp stone pavement.

Qin Ruogu felt that he was also able to turn the zombies into the current appearance of Kuang Qize and Jiang Ge, he must be a powerful person.

Being able to follow such a powerful person in the last days is the way to survive.

Besides, becoming a zombie no different from a human being, you can survive without eating human flesh, you can live in the human world as usual, and you don't have to worry about being bitten by zombies anymore.

It's so tempting, it's hard not to be impressed.

Qin Ruogu pondered for a few seconds, and finally nodded firmly: "Okay!" "

—That's... Miao Miao, can they also become like this? Qin Ruogu asked in a low voice, in fact, he probably knew that if he wanted to make a zombie look no different from a human being, he would definitely have to pay a corresponding price.

He may be okay if he is alone, but if there are three people at once... Will it drain Chi Yan's abilities?

Chi Yan thought about it with his cheeks and said, "It's not impossible, it's just that you have to give me at least 10 million crystal nuclei, at least don't hurt my vitality." He

said ambiguously, it wasn't the ability that restored the zombie to a half-human, it was the life restoration water.

If the three of them use it, they don't need so many crystal nuclei, but the black-hearted pool boss wants to earn more than half of the handling fee.

That's no problem, right?

Regardless, getting his boyfriend back is the top priority.

Qin Ruogu was almost ecstatic, and immediately agreed, saying that he could pay now.

Chi Yan: ...

You lied to me when you said you gave me all your savings!?

It turns out that there is still a deposit! Hum!

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now