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☆ 206. Chapter 206: Stink, Stink, Stink, All Stink

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Chapter 206: Stink, Stink, Stink, All Stink

, There are many ways to die in this world.

Sick and old dead, eating and dying of being killed.

But one of them shouldn't be stinky to death.

Chi Yan covered his mouth and nose, his face was hideous, and he pulled out the long knife that the system gave him.

He flew down, ignoring the fact that he might fall and get injured because of the height, anyway, today must be a death or death!

The knife flew out, and the trees were still alive, but the snowflakes on the branches and the ground flew up, turning into a sky full of snow, fluttering in front of Chi Yan's eyes.

Maybe Chi Yan will never know in his life how good he looks in that flying snowflake with his light red face.

Jiang Ge swore that it was the most beautiful snow scene he had ever seen in his life.

The body of the giant zombie was cut in half, and many small zombies fell one after another, and the dull popping sound of falling into the snow kept coming.

Ji Yan knelt on the ground, but fortunately, because he was wearing very thick, he didn't fall and didn't feel much pain in his knees.

He wanted to take a big breath, but the air was full of stench, a smell of corpses decomposing for a long time, and Ji Yan was already seeing Venus in front of him.

The zombie hadn't fallen yet, but the place that had been cut down was missing, and he was furious and roared in the direction of Chi Yan.

Chi Yan covered his mouth and got up, gradually retreated, first found a place to hide, and when the zombies came, he swung a second knife.

Jiang Ge and the others are still constantly attacking the zombies, even if the lethality is small, it is better than nothing.

When he saw Chi Yan kneeling on the ground, Jiang Ge's eyebrows jumped, and he wanted to come over and pick up Chi Yan, for fear that he would be injured.

When the zombie roared, an invisible giant hand stretched out behind Jiang Ge and slapped it on the giant zombie's body with one palm.

When the Zombie Emperor's coercion was revealed, the others retreated because they couldn't bear the pressure.

The voice of the giant zombie also stopped abruptly, and he looked up at the zombie emperor in the sky.

At this time, Chi Yan just got up and stepped back.

Seeing that the giant zombie was frozen, Chi Yan clenched the long knife in his hand.

Now is a good opportunity to try to raise the knife and swing it out and cut off his head!

But I don't know why, the knife in Chi Yan's hand has become so heavy and heavy, and the heavy clothes have also become an obstacle for him.

He gritted his teeth and lifted the knife with a breath of air.

Because of the Zombie Emperor's palm, the body of the giant zombie was reduced in pieces.

Seeing Chi Yan stand up again, Jiang Ge withdrew his coercion, and the invisible giant hand also dissipated in the air.

The moment the giant zombie resumed its operation, Chi Yan's knife was cut down.

"Roar——!!!! The

loud noise almost shattered Chi Yan's eardrums.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now