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☆ 85. Chapter 85: Winter is Coming

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Chapter 85 Winter is coming

to the base, the city lords have already had a deep conversation, and they all left the city lord's mansion in silence.

The sky was already dark, and when night fell, the cold air was even worse.

Every household in the base locked their doors and windows, not only afraid that the zombies outside might come in at any time, but also afraid of the sudden sudden cold air.

It began to rain in the second half of the night, and the seedlings were also broken by the rain.

Chi Yan curled up in the bed, Jiang Ge's long arms around him, encircling him in the warmth he could.

Qin Ruogu looked for Chi Yan at the base but didn't find anyone, he was so anxious that even Kuang Qize, who often haunted Chi Yan's side, disappeared.

The other city lords were also wondering where Chi Yan would go at this time, and he was not in the hotel.

The front desk of the hotel said that he didn't see Chi Yan go back at all, and Kuang Qize and Jiang Ge didn't go back either.

It was as if they had evaporated out of thin air, without a trace.

Chenxi's people are also gone, and there is a high probability that they were solved by Chi Yan.

The city lords sat under the promenade, looking at the continuous raindrops outside, sighing one after another.

Although there was some speculation, Chi Yan must have a place where he could go, and they were not yet able to detect the existence of this place.

They didn't dare to think about it or delve into it. Chi Yan must have a lot of secrets, but they are not something they can afford.

"I used to just treat Chi Yan as a young man with some ability.

"yes, I thought he was lucky at best.

"Who said it wasn't, but I never thought that such an arrogant and low-key person would be..."

A person breathed a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we didn't make enemies of him before, otherwise the fate of Dawn today would be repeated on us."

"When he was able to control Xenoplants, I should have thought that Xenoplants are also mutant virus infections, and zombies are also mutant viruses. If he can control the Xenoplant, why can't he control the zombies? The

crowd fell silent, and for a moment all that was left was the sound of raindrops hitting the ground.

After a long while, someone tightened his throat and suddenly said, "That... Before, the people of Dawn said that Kuang Qize beside him was a zombie...""

Stop! The person next to him directly covered his mouth, "Don't talk nonsense, this kind of thing... Even so, don't say it! The

man knew that he had lost his words, so he quickly silenced him, and did not dare to speak again.

"In the future, try to have a good relationship with him, we can't afford to mess with him. If we can, maybe we will survive in the last days in the future, and our base will depend on his assistance.

Everyone was silent again, and in the end, it was Qin Ruogu who broke the silence.

Luckily, he didn't seem to care much about anything other than the crystal nucleus. That's why they're alive to this day.

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now