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☆ 39. Chapter 39: Just Spoil Him

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Chapter 39 You just spoil him, the cars in the garage are all openable, and the

keys are all safe and sound at home.

"Now it's a matter of gasoline, how much more do you add to the gas? Chi Yan looked at the luxury cars full of basements, and tears of envy were about to flow from the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Ge was embarrassed for a moment, he didn't know what oil was not oily, because he basically didn't drive before.

He has a driver, and of course the driver is the driver to worry about these things.

Chi Yan, who saw it, snorted at him: "Evil rich man!"

Jiang Ge pursed his lips and smiled, he wanted to say, if you liked me earlier, you would also become a rich man.

But he didn't dare, because he was instigated by himself, and he never confessed to others.

Even the sense of existence is rarely brushed, people can like him, it is red rain in the sky.

"Let's eat. Jiang Ge changed the topic, and now Chi Yan hasn't agreed to be good with him, so he can't be in a hurry.

It was getting late, and it was still white clouds just now, and it would become a dark cloud.

Chi Yan stood in front of the window and wrinkled his eyebrows: "The weather in the last days is really changeable, fortunately, we can go directly to and from the farm and the villa, otherwise we will have to live in the villa."

Jiang Ge set the dishes in his hand and looked at Chi Yan expectantly: "Can I live in the villa tonight?" He

had been looking forward to living with Chi Yan in that house a long, long time ago, but unfortunately natural and man-made disasters caused this wish to never come true.

Now that there is such an opportunity, he wants to fight for it.

Chi Yan took a deep breath, he could probably think of what Jiang Ge meant, and he nodded: "Yes, but you can clean the bedroom." "

No need to clean. Jiang Ge bent his eyebrows and summoned the system, "Divide that villa into farms." The

system's eyes flickered, and soon there was a sign of a small building somewhere far away on their farm map.

It is no longer confined to this mountain, but there are also their residences in a place dozens of minutes away by car.

Jiang Ge clicked one button to clean up, and a small broom appeared on the building of the villa, up and down, and then the dust dispersed and became a new building with stars.

Chi Yan: ...

"Can this be? "He, the current owner of the farm, is a failure, he doesn't know anything, and he has to let the previous owner teach him.

But this previous master was so careless that he didn't tell him so many things.

Jiang Ge nodded: "As long as the opposite item can be selected by you, it can be classified as a farm."

Chi Yan thought for a moment and said, "Then can the current Yanjiang base also be classified as the land of our farm?"

Jiang Ge was sure that what Chi Yan was saying now was serious, and he really wanted to include the base within the scope of his farm.

He pondered his words for a moment and said, "Yes, yes, now you are the lord of the base city, and you have the right to control it." But all the peculiarities of the farm will be shared with the base, and when the survivors find out about the problem, our danger factor will increase. "

✓ I picked up the zombie queen on the farm, and I became rich in the last daysWhere stories live. Discover now