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Taehyung and Jungkook sat in tense silence outside the hospital, worry etched on their faces. Both want her to be okay. Taehyung not just wanted her to be okay, he wanted to have her only. Jungkook can't take her from him now.

As Y/n's doctor emerged, their expressions turned anxious. The doctor said, “Her condition is really concerning, why didn't you bring her earlier? We have to started the surgery, its quite serious, she might not survive.”

Both men were shocked. “Surgery? Why? What happened to her?”

"She has significant internal bleeding and external injuries. Surgery is necessary, and recovery will take time. And the internal bleeding, It seems like she was r*pe,” the doctor added.

Jungkook's frustration erupted, he punched Taehyung, “You r*ped your own wife?”

Taehyung punched back, “Yeah so? Was I supposed to r*pe other women like you?”

“You are so childish! Motherfcker!”  His jungkook flared, escalating into a heated argument and physical fight.

Taehyung fought back defensively, “Leave our lives! She doesn't need you now when you forget her for years to sleep around!”

“I didn't forget her! I gave myself time to forgive her but she married you!” He exclaimed.

As the argument between Taehyung and Jungkook escalated, security intervened, forcefully escorting both out of the hospital to prevent further disruption.

“Kick him only! I should stay with my wife!” Taehyung said.

“Wife? Who treats their wife like that?! I will fcking m*rder you.” Jungkook exclaimed and was about to start the fight again but as they came outside reporters swarmed.

They started bombarding them with questions that they skillfully evaded, their faces tense with worry.

Amidst the chaos, Taehyung's father arrived and took Taehyung away and brought him to the car, "Go home, Taehyung. Worrying here won't help Y/n. Let the doctors do their job."

“No, I am not leaving here, he will steal her.” Taehyung said.

He was more worried about Jungkook taking Y/n from her then her health and that worried his father.

“Listen, just go home. Think properly okay? You are still too young to lose the love of your life, you think you can live without, no right?” He asked. Taehyung shook his head.

“Hmm, for now her health will be your only worry,” he said. Taehyung nodded his head.

“They said they might d’e. H-ow? I d-on’t know, I don't kno-w how I ended up doing that, how I ended up hur-ting her to that point.” Taehyung started crying.

His father hugged him. He doesn't even remember hugging Taehyung.

“I will n-ot be able to live if she passes away because of me. Pl-ease I don't want to go through th-at regret.” He exclaimed. .

Taehyung was searching through the old stuff. He would always keep the journal to himself, but he kinda lost it when he married Y/n. The journal was his reminder to not become like his father but he did the opposite.

He couldn't find his jornal anywhere, it's like his brain is all mixed up, he can't remember his childhood properly.

He wants to know if he is like his dad. She can't remember things, and it's making him crazy.

While searching, Taehyung found some letters. Curious, he said, "Hey, what are these? Letters from my uncle to my mom?”

As Taehyung read, his face changed. The letter really felt like a reply, as if he was replying to Eunsook's letter. It felt a bitter taste in his mouth reading the letter.

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