Stray Kids - Sunshines | 🧸 |

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Littles: Jisung, Felix

Caregivers: Stray Kids

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Jisung had been a little ever since he first joined JYP entertainment. The stress of becoming a kpop idol had taken a toll on Jisung and he slipped for the first time. After Jisung came out of his headspace, it took him a day to decide if he'd do it again which was a yes.

When he joined Stray Kids, Jisung decided to not tell the rest of his members because he thought Chan would regret the choice and kick Jisung out of Stray Kids. But after years of knowing his members, that thought changed and Jisung made the decision one night to tell his members. As he was about to text in the groupchat about a meeting, Felix beat him to it.

3racha and Hyunjin gathered in the living room in the other dorm, waiting for Felix to explain.

"I've been keeping this secret for a while because I wasn't sure how you'd react but... I'm a little" Felix blurted out.

Jisung's face drained of all colour when Felix outed himself. He watched as the other members sat with him in silence before Chan hugged the other Aussie.

"You are?! I'm so glad you told us, Lixie" Chan smiled.

"W-weally? Chu otay wif Lixie?" Felix asked in response, slipping immediately.

"Of course I am, Lixie. And I bet once the others will know what's going on, they'll be excited to take care of you too."

Chan continued and explained what a little was and how he knew about it. He even offered to be Felix's main caregiver along with Hyunjin and it made Felix burst out into happy tears. Jisung however, said he would be heading back to the other dorm a few minutes later and ran all the way to his room.

Slipping that night, Jisung locked his bedroom door, clutching his squirrel plushie named 'Acorn' to his chest and sucking on his dummy and ended up crying himself to sleep that night.

~ A few weeks later ~

Stray Kids got a day off and Felix had planned to slip that day. Jisung said he'd be having a chill day in his room to cover up that he'd also slip that day. Since Jisung thought Chan and Changbin would be going to the studio, Jisung was shocked when Minho and the maknae line came over to let Felix slip in the other dorm.

Jisung said a small hello to the others when they came over and hugged little Felix when he basically jumped at him before retreating and locking himself in his room again.

Changing into his favourite onesies that matched his squirrel plushie, Acorn, Jisung pulled out the box with his little stuff in it from under his bed. Popping the dummy in his mouth, Jisung slipped into his headspace and began to colour in his colouring book.

Felix had been saying a lot that he missed Jisung so at some point during the day, Minho shifted Felix from his lap to Chan's lap and went to drag Jisung out of his room. He tried opening the door but upon seeing it locked, Minho knocked on the door multiple times but got no response. Getting worried that something happened to Jisung or he was doing something bad, he picked the lock and opened the door.

"Hey, Jisung. Lixie missed you and wanted you to-"

Minho stopped once he saw Jisung in a onesie, colouring and sucking on a dummy. Feeling scared that someone found out his secret, he moved to the farthest corner and cried into the fur of Acorn.

"Are you a little too, Sungie?" Minho asked, crouching but keeping his distance.

Jisung nodded, not looking up.

"It's okay, baby. Hyungie's not mad at you. He just wanted to know why we were all kept away from you, Sungie."

Jisung looked at Minho who held his arms out. Sniffling quietly, Jisung crawled into Minho's lap and shoved his face into his neck. Minho rubbed Jisung's back and kept talking to him to calm him down.

"Hi, baby" Minho smiled, "Does your cute plushie have a name?"

"A-Acown" Jisung sniffled sadly.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Acorn. Sungie, can you look up at hyungie, please?"

Jisung did as Minho asked, looking at him with silent tears running down his face.

"Don't cry, Sungie. It makes me wanna cry" Minho wiped away each tear.

"N-nuh cwy."

"Thank you, baby. Is it ok if we go see the others? I bet Lixie would love to see you" he tried to get Jisung to come out.

"Nuh. Scawed."

"What do you mean?"

"Hyungies be mean to Sungie."

"They won't, baby. How about this, if we go out now and you explain to the others why you hid from us, we'll come back right after and cuddle. And if you own a bottle or sippy cup, hyung can heat up some milk with honey" Minho proposed, and Jisung nodded.

Giving Jisung his dummy and making sure he had Acorn, Minho left the room carrying Jisung and heading to the living room. Everyone perked up when they saw Minho carrying Jisung, and Jisung in a onesie.

"Turns out, our cute Sungie is also a little. Sungie, can you explain to us why you kept your littlespace a secret?" Minho sat down where he previously was.

"Sungie thought chu nuh wike 'cause Lixie awedy wittle an' chu fink Sungie wan' 'tention" Jisung rubbed his eyes with his fist.

"Aww, Sungie. That would never happen. Even if you told us right after Lixie did, we would still love you" Chan rubbed Jisung's leg through the onesie.

"An' Lixie hav' fwiend now?" Felix asked, reaching for Sungie.

"Sungie wan' fwiend too. Sungie wonwey" he hugged Felix back and the rest of the members cooed.

"See Sungie? Hyungie was right, they're not mad or angry."

Jisung nodded, happy that they truly weren't mad. After saying though that he wanted to stay with the others in the living room, Minho still heated up some milk and stirred in some honey as promised. Minho returned to see Sungie and Lixie holding hands while watching a cartoon. Jisung climbed back onto Minho's lap and let him fees him the milk. He soon fell asleep alongside Felix with his head resting back against Minho's shoulder and a smile spread across his face.


WC: 1023

For the first oneshot of this book, I chose to have it be of my ult bias, Han Jisung. Next update will be sometime this week before Saturday.

Song recommendation: 'Chronosaurus' by Stray Kids

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