EVNNE - Tainted | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Yunseo

Caregiver: EVNNE

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Trigger warning - Throwing up, Swearing


EVNNE currently had their own schedules in the morning then they'd all be going to the studio. Before that however, the group of seven chose to go to a nearby restaurant for lunch since they didn't have to be at the studio immediately.

Yunseo was in a different studio, having a joint vocal lesson with Seungeon. It was nearing the end of the lesson and both boys couldn't keep their mind off food to the point where Seungeon absentmindedly started drooling on the lyric sheet he had, not paying attention. He snapped out of his daze when Yunseo repeatedly patted his cheek.

"Seungeon, wake up" he joked, still patting Seungeon's cheek.

"I'm awake. Just hungry" Seungeon argued back, wiping the drool from his face, "Did I look stupid?"

"Yes you did" Yunseo got right to the point.

"Since you guys obviously can't concentrate" their vocal coach spoke up, "I'll end the lesson early for today. But you do need to go over these lyrics later because of it."

"'Kay, hyung" Yunseo smiled, grabbing the lyric sheets and giving one to Seungeon.

"Let's go see if the others want to go get lunch now" Seungeon offered after their vocal coach left.

Yunseo happily agreed since both of them were starving and they started packing up their stuff. After they were done, the duo made their way first to a practice room since Hanbin, Jeonghyeon and Keita all had dance practice in the morning and they just decided to combine it.

Seungeon and Yunseo passed a room that was playing one of their songs and Seungeon assumed it was them so he opened the door to see Hanbin, Keita and Jeonghyeon dancing to their debut song 'Trouble'. Seungeon took his and Yunseo's bag and sat down on the couch to wait while Yunseo walked up behind them. The trio didn't seem to notice Yunseo's presence from behind until he wrapped his arms around Keita's waist, placing his chin on Keita's head and surprising him.

"When did you get here?" he smiled at Yunseo through the mirror, "What about your lesson with Seungeon?"

"Our lesson ended early since hyung started drooling on his lyric sheet" Yunseo chuckled, now looking at the older through the mirror.

"I'm not the only one. You're also starving!" he ruffled the younger's hair.

"Does that mean we're getting lunch now then?" Keita asked, changing the conversation slightly.


"Alright then" Keita turned to Hanbin and Jeonghyeon, "Let's pack up and go get Junghyun and Jihoo."

Yunseo and Seungeon impatiently waited by the door with their stuff, watching the older three get ready to go. When they had all of their stuff packed, Yunseo, Seungeon, Hanbin, Keita and Jeonghyeon all left the practice room and went to a different studio where Junghyun and Jihoo were. The youngest two didn't have anything on their schedules that morning but they both decided to just go over some lines.

Keita knocked on the door and waited to let the duo know they were there before unlocking the studio and walking in. Junghyun and Jihoo sat at a desk, going over their lines together with the music. Hanbin went over and lifted one side of Jihoo's headphones before letting it go and it hitting Jihoo's ear, painfully.

"Ow! What the fuck was that?" he exclaimed, taking off his headphones.

"Language" Keita called out, "You're still a child."

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