BTS - Here to stay pt. 2 | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Taehyung 

Caregiver: BTS

Request/Idea - @jugglingzxs

Trigger warning: Needles, Attempt to throw up, Hospital


Taehyung and Seokjin went back to Seokjin's place that night and Taehyung was already feeling much better. They were told that it'd take a couple days for the symptoms to fully go away and to go back to the doctor if the pain ever came back or it got worse. Taehyung was given some more medicine to take so as soon as they got back, Seokjin instructing him to take it. The younger listened then went to bed since it was getting late and they had a performance the next day.

When Taehyung woke up the next morning, he was happy to wake up feeling normal and not in pain for four months. He woke up rather early so Taehyung went to the kitchen and decided to make eggs for him and Seokjin for breakfast. Taehyung flinched a bit when two arms wrapped around him, barely putting any pressure on his stomach for which the male was happy about.

"Morning, Taehyung" Seokjin yawned right after, clearly just having woken up, "Eggs?" he pointed to the pan.

"Yea. I feel way better so I thought I'd make breakfast for us. It'll also be the first performance in a while where I'm not in pain" Taehyung explained as he watched the eggs cook.

"Remember though, the doctor said you might still feel some symptoms so don't forget to take your medicine."

"I know hyung" Taehyung smiled, "I won't forget."

Seokjin nodded even though Taehyung had his back to him so he wouldn't see then made his way to make coffee for the two of them. Taehyung soon finished with the eggs and plated some for himself before letting Seokjin get his own. He grabbed the coffee and sat down at the table, beginning to eat before Seokjin joined him.

The younger member bit into a piece of an egg and started chewing before a cramp shot through his stomach, more painful than yesterday. While trying to hold in a cry of pain and not choking on the food at the same time, Taehyung didn't notice the way his hyung looked at him with a concerned look on his face. Taehyung breathed through the pain and finally let go of his stomach when it was gone, resuming eating. Seokjin didn't wanna assume anything so he brushed it off and joined his dongsaeng at the table.

~ At the venue ~

Seokjin and Taehyung had just arrived at the venue where their stage would be taking place and Taehyung had gotten worried about if the medicine was working or not as his stomach still hurt. He really didn't want to bother any of his members after yesterday so the second youngest member kept quiet.

The duo got out of the van and the cameras and a bunch of ARMY were waiting for them. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook all arrived earlier so Taehyung had a harder time hiding the pain which was evident on his face. The poor member pushed through it though, walking behind Seokjin and waving for the cameras and ARMY. When they were close to the venue, Seokjin looked back at his dongsaeng and saw the fake smile he thought was real and thought that maybe earlier was just a fluke.

'Maybe he really is okay. I was probably just imagining things'  Seokjin thought as they walked up to the venue doors.

'I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine'  Taehyung screamed to himself in his head.

They walked through the doors, waving to ARMY for the last time before performing and the staff led them to where they'd be getting ready. On the way, Taehyung's been looking out for a bathroom to try throwing up in case that was the cause of his stomach still hurting. There was a bathroom pretty close to where the staff were taking them but it could be a problem if someone heard him throwing up and made him go home.

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