Enhypen - Night with a cute twist | 🧸☀️ |

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Little: Sunoo

Caregiver: Enhypen

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


"Great practice hyungs and Niki. Let's pack up and we can head home" Jungwon announced once they finished a run through of 'Sweet Venom'.

"I'm so tired!" Niki exclaimed as he flopped beside his bag.

"That's no surprise" Jay chimed in as he took a sip of water only to find the bottle empty.

"Let's just hurry up so we can get home and I can sleep" Niki added.

Jay just rolled his eyes at the maknae and stood up, helping Sunoo up who sat right beside him. Sunoo could feel his headspace creeping up on him and begging to come out but he told himself to at least wait until they got to the van.

Enhypen's schedules all finished a little earlier than normal so they were heading back to the dorm to relax. Sunoo being a little but also an idol meant he didn't get much time to slip. However, Enhypen knew about Sunoo's headspace and made sure he slipped regularly.

They had made in to the van that waited outside and all filed in one by one, Sunoo sitting in the back by a window while Jake sat on his right side. Sunoo watched as the building outside past in one giant blur, eventually letting himself to fall into littlespace. Not up for being scolded by the other members, Sunoo turned and tapped Jake on the shoulder.

"Hi Sunoo. What's up?" he asked.

"Jus' wanna say I wittle, Jakey hyungie" Sunoo smiled which made Jake's heart melt.

"Well thanks for letting me know, Ddeonu. Mind telling hyung how old you are" Jake said to little Sunoo.

"I thwee!" Sunoo proudly held up two fingers, making Jake laugh.

"Such a big boy" Jake cooed, "Let me let the others know you slipped, okay baby?" he asked, earning a nod.

Sunoo turned back to watch the buildings, trees and cars pass from outside their van, completely immersed with his face pressed up against the window while Jake let the other know they're dealing with a little Sunoo.

~ When they arrive at the dorm ~

The members' van arrived in front of their dorm building and each member hopped out, Jungwon picking up Sunoo and carrying him inside. Enhypen soon arrived in front of their dorm, Heesung punching in the code to the dorm and watching the door click open.

Heesung walked in first, followed by Jake and Sunghoon. Jay and Niki then finally Jungwon and Sunoo. Jungwon sat Sunoo down on the ground and helped the mentally younger take his shoes off.

"Wonie hyungie, can I haf dino nuggets fow dinnew pweasie?" Sunoo asked as Jungwon slid off his last shoe still on his foot.

"Of course you can, baby. I'll have one of the others make some nuggets for a baby with such amazing manners" Jungwon lightly tickled Sunoo's sides, earning a laugh from him.

"But first, let's give you a nice, warm bath because I bet you're all icky. Who do you want to help you, little fox?" Sunghoon added after overhearing the two's conversation.

"Hmm... Niki hyungie!" Sunoo pointed at Niki who passed the three still at the entrance to put his bag away.

"I'll gladly help give you a bath, little fox. C'mon, let's go do that right now."

Sunoo reached out his arms to Niki, obviously wanting to be picked up. Niki silently agreed, picking Sunoo up into his arms while helping wrap his legs around his waist to keep Sunoo from falling.

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