ATEEZ - Pushing the limits | 🧸🥀 |

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Little/Sickie: Yunho

Caregiver: Yeosang

Request/Idea - yuulovr


Yunho hasn't been having the best week this past week. ATEEZ were preparing for their world tour coming up but at the same time, Yunho's immune system decided to be mean to him and he came down with a pretty bad cold. On top of this, he was probably one of the more stressed members so having to deal with two bad things would not work out in his favour. He pleaded for their manager to let him skip the concert or at least sit on a chair during the concert so he could still sing but with them leaving to the US the next day, it wasn't possible.

ATEEZ left to the airport early the next day and Yunho had just so happened to have gotten worse overnight. Yeosang helped the older pack some extra medicine and tissues, making his hyung some warm tea for the ride to the airport before they both grabbed their stuff and left the dorm. Yunsang met up with Hongjoong, Mingi, Wooyoung, San, Jongho and Seonghwa in the lobby where their staff were waiting for them. ATEEZ's bags were placed in the trunk and each member hopped into the van before driving off. Yunho kept sneezing at an average of 2 sneezes/minute and when he was asleep with his head on Yeosang's shoulder, Yunho sneezed himself awake. He felt absolutely horrible but didn't want to get in trouble for disobeying the manager so he said no when the driver suggested he didnt go on the tour.

The group of eight soon arrived at the airport where ATINY waited for them with their lightsticks, photocards, phones and ANITEEZ. Yunho put on a fake smile so ATINY wouldn't worry as they walked to their proper gate. The sick idol managed to spot some photocards of him and his ANITEEZ, TYUdeongi, in the crowd which made him smile through the stress and pain. When they made it to their gate, the group all sat down in chairs and did their own thing but Yunho was too tired and ended up falling asleep again, not ready for what was to come during the next weeks.

~ A week and a half later: Thursday ~

"30 minutes 'till the concert!" one of the staff members yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

ATEEZ had done about three concerts in Tacoma, Oakland and Los Angeles and were now in Arizona for their Phoenix concert. Like when they left Korea about a week and a half ago, Yunho still had a fever. In fact, all the singing, dancing and screaming the group was doing just made Yunho 10x worse. After their concert in Oakland, Yunho began to feel his little side trying to come out. On the plane to Los Angeles, he got a strong urge to watch his favourite littlespace show while his dog plushie, Mari, was with him. Yunho specifically didn't bring Mari, or any of his littlespace gear, just because he didn't wanna risk accidentally slipping but started regretting it.

But for the sake of ATINY, the staff and his members, Yunho kept forcing his headspace back in order to put on a good concert for them. Yeosang, being the one who knew the most about littles and Yunho's headspace (the other members knew but didnt know as much), he could see the signs that Yunho was showing. Yeosang was currently getting the finishing touches on his makeup and hair done after changing into his outfit and after he was ready, planned to ask Yunho if he needed to slip at all and skip today's concert. The stylists finally finished 5 minutes later and Yeosang got up, sitting down beside Yunho who was on the couch taking some medicine.

"Hey, Yeosang" Yunho smiled after taking the pill in his hand with water.

"Hey, hyung" Yeosang returned the smile, "I wanted to ask you something though. I've been noticing some signs when in LA and on the plane to Phoenix and I was wondering if you needed to slip at all? You have a fever and haven't slipped since we got on the plane to the US so I wouldn't be surprised."

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