Stray Kids - Mine forever pt. 1 | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Minho, Jisung

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Inspired by: 'Bad Encounter' by @Hyuniv3rse

Trigger warning: Swearing, Needles, Drugs, Drug use, Escape attempt, Blood, Kidnapping, Spanking


The gang '3racha' was a well known gang all over Korea even though no one knew what the members of 3racha looked like. The gang consisted of Bang Chan who went as CB97, Seo Changbin who went as SpearB and Han Jisung who was known as J.One. They all lived together in a house that held their base for most of their work. 3racha also owned a small kpop store 30 minutes away from their house with a backup base just in case the police found out who they were and where they lived.

Let me introduce each member of 3racha. Bang Chan is the leader of 3racha and is the one who formed the small group. Chan also is the one who gets the missions for the gang. He's currently dating someone younger named Jeongin who works at a café. Jeongin knows about 3racha and has met both Changbin and Jisung but he preferred to stay out of it mainly because Chan thought Jeongin was too innocent. The next member, Seo Changbin, worked as a fighter in 3racha. He specialized in Hand-to-Hand combat, martial arts, etc. Changbin was gay and wasn't dating anyone nor was he currently interested in dating. The final member of 3racha was Han Jisung. Jisung's role in 3racha was as the hacker. He was pretty smart and great with electronics but he was also pretty dumb sometimes. Jisung was gay, single and looking for someone to date but so far found no one he liked.

Back to the present. It was a rather slow day at the kpop store and Jisung, who was running the cash register that day, felt extremely bored. He had his headphones in and was listening to music while on his phone since there was no one in the store at the moment. Jisung had his head on the counter and mindlessly looked for something to watch when Chan suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Jisung, no phones" he spoke, taking his phone and headphones.

"But I'm bored" Jisung whined, "And there's no one here. What should I do? Just sit here?"

"Maybe help the person who just walked in" Chan turned towards the person who entered the store, "I'll be going through the new shipment of albums in the back with Changbin."

"'Kay hyung."

Chan walked away with Jisung's phone and headphones and Jisung went to ask Chan for them back but Chan simply shook his head and went into the back. Jisung turned towards the man who was now looking at the boy group albums and went into a daze. He looked absolutely gorgeous and Jisung felt an immediate attraction to him. The man had short black hair that covered part of his face but still showed off what he looked like and was wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans. Jisung saw how the man had cat-like features and he loved that. He shook his head when the man started walking towards him.

"Just this, please" he placed two albums in front of Jisung.

"Of course" Jisung scanned the albums, "That'll be $34."

The man pulled out his credit card and paid before putting it away, "Thanks."

"No problem" Jisung smiled, "Have a great day."

"You too" the man responded.

He turned around and started to leave, Jisung watching him a little too intensely. When the man left the store and he was alone again, Jisung mentally facepalmed himself and laid his head on the counter again. How could he be so stupid?! Jisung was so distracted by his beauty that he forgot to ask the man for his phone number.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" Jisung banged his head against the counter as Chan and Changbin came back with the new albums.

"Uh, Jisung? What are you doing?" Changbin questioned, setting the box down.

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