Stray Kids - Cat with a secret pt. 2 | ☀️❤️‍🩹 |

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Ships: Seungjin (Seungmin & Hyunjin), Minlix (Minho & Felix)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)



Hyunjin and Seungmin lived together with a daughter named Aera. As an early birthday present, they took Aera to a pet store after school to get her a cat she's been begging for for days. A day after the family adopted the cat, Hyunjin comes homes early with Aera to an unbelievable sight.

~ Back to the present ~

"What the..."

Hyunjin could not believe his eyes. Laying on his couch, was a man who was about the same age as Hyunjin, maybe one or two years older. He was was laying on his side curled up and seemingly asleep. At least that's what Hyunjin hoped.

This man had short-ish black hair and his face resembled one like a cat which made Hyunjin suspicious but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. The man wore a long sleeved white T-shirt with a collar that was tucked into a pair of black jeans. He wore a simple black belt and a silver chain hung from his jeans. He didn't wear any shoes so he feet could be seen by anyone looking at him.

Hyunjin stepped further into the living room and closer to the man and watched his chest rise and fall, also listen to him occasionally mutter words as if he was sleep talking. Hyunjin had to wake him up one way or another so he opted to kick him with his foot and confront him about why he was in his house.

"Explain. Now" Hyunjin demand once the man woke up from the kick.

"I-" the man stuttered, looking down.

Hyunjin took note of the man's eyes widening when he looked down. He looked back up at Hyunjin with fear in his eyes and the two had a short staring contest before jumping off the couch and bolting to the front door to leave.

Hyunjin just stood there watching the man for a good couple seconds before running after him. He saw the man unlocking the door and looking back at Hyunjin before running outside the house. Hyunjin caught up to him in time before the man could get any further and slipped his hand around his wrist. The man tried taking off Hyunjin's hand but Hyunjin kept his strong grip.

"I didn't mean to scare you or anything" Hyunjin started, "I wanted to know why you were sleeping on my couch. We can go back inside."

"Um... o-okay, I guess" the man said softly.

"Let's head back inside then."

Hyunjin let go of the man's wrist and moved to the side to let the man back into his house. He closed the door but didn't lock it back up again for the man's sake before leading him to the living room. Hyunjin sat down on the couch and invited the man to sit down to. He sat down on the couch but kept some space between him and Hyunjin as he was too nervous and scared. Hyunjin wanted to scoot closer to hear him better but again for his sake, he stayed put in his spot.

The man curled up with his legs on the couch and rested his chin on his knees, wrapping his arms around himself. Hyunjin watched him and couldn't help but feel awful at how he woke him up earlier that day.

"Before we start, I'm sorry for kicking you earlier. I'm Hyunjin, by the way" Hyunjin began.

"It's fine" the man sighed, "I'm used to it. And I'm Minho."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you get up and tried to leave?" Hyunjin asked him, seeing Minho tense up at the question.

"It's stupid" Minho turned to look at the couch to the right of him.

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