Stray Kids - Mine forever pt. 3 | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Minho, Jisung

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Inspired by: 'Bad Encounter' by @Hyuniv3rse

Trigger warning: Swearing, Kidnapping, Spanking, Branding, Whipping, Open wounds, Mention of force-feeding, Restraints


Jisung tightened the leash attached to Minho and made sure it didn't cut off his circulation before going over towards what he assumed was Minho's new phone. It turned off but Jisung unplugged the phone with a bit of struggle and pointed the screen to Minho's face, the phone unlocking. Jisung first turned off the music that was still playing from his phone then surfed through Minho's recent messages and calls. Fortunately, Minho hadn't made any calls from his phone for the past couple days but that didn't mean he deleted the history. For messages, he had texted people saying he got a new phone but nothing looked out of the ordinary. He slipped Minho's phone into his other pocket (the one without the cloth) and proceeded to leave the room, turning off the light and going back upstairs.

Chan and Changbin were waiting by the entrance to the house with Soonie, Doongie and Dori back in their carriers. The cats were asleep and Changbin explained that they didn't cause much of a problem when Jisung was close enough to him. Jisung responded by saying Minho tried fighting him but he's sure that Minho didn't see him. The youngest 3racha member pulled out Minho's phone and handed it to Chan to put it in the bag he brought with them. They members headed out one by one and Chan locked the door behind them before first helping Jisung and unconscious Minho into the car, Minho being repositioned to be laying down.

The ride back, Jisung watched his kitten's chest rise and fall and felt his soft breaths on his right hand. The ride back was faster than before and Jisung leaned Minho against him after sitting the black-haired male up then got out of the car with his kitten in his arms like earlier, like a koala. Changbin unlocked the door and before doing anything, the trio went to Minho's room, Chan stopped by a linen closet on the first floor to grab a pair of handcuffs.

"Hyungs?" Jisung called out as he handcuffed Minho's free hand to the bedpost, "Can you grab some stuff from my room? Since Kitten needs more supervision, I'm gonna move to his room until he starts behaving."

"Of course, Sungie. I'll be right back" Changbin replied, heading upstairs to Jisung's room.

"Besides what Changbin's getting" the oldest started, "Do you need anything else?"

"No thanks, hyung. I may need help punishing Kitten in the morning if you're willing to. I'm also gonna need help getting him to behave and listen."

"Me and Changbin will both help with Kitten. He does still need to learn the consequences of escaping and not behaving" Chan smiled, "I'll go now and let us know if you need anything."

Chan helped secure Minho to the bed before leaving just as Changbin walked in with a bunch of Jisung's stuff that included his phone, charger, headphones, some extra clothes and more. Since Minho was handcuffed to the bed and the leash was still on him which Jisung was attached to, he couldn't move far so Changbin helped the other get settled. It was already past 12am and both 3racha members were really tired so when Changbin left the room, Jisung got comfortable in Minho's bed, pecking the sleeping male's lips before drifting off soon after.

~ The next morning ~

Minho was the first one to wake up that morning after the drugs fully wore off. The black-haired male's eyes jolted open and he immediately sprung when he saw he was back in 3racha's house only to be forced back down by Jisung's weigh. He first looked over to his left where Jisung was still sleeping but didn't notice the short leash attached to himself and the younger male. Minho then turned his head the other way and saw the silver, shiny handcuff. A handcuff would be way harder to break through without a key so Minho didn't even try.

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