ATEEZ x TXT - New people | 🧸 |

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Littles: Yeosang (ATEEZ), Soobin (TXT)

Caregivers: ATEEZ, Huening Kai & Yeonjun (TXT)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Soobin was a shy little. And by shy little, I mean Soobin hated meeting new people in his headspace. Whenever someone he hadn't met yet in littlespace tries talking to him or he just sees someone new looking at him, he runs and hides.

This was partially a bad thing like now, where TXT had to go film a couple interviews but since Soobin woke up in his headspace he couldn't go with them. Fortunately, they were able to call someone who could take Soobin for the day.

"Baby, you have to go. We can't take you with us" Taehyun explained to a sad Soobin.

"I nuh wan' to. They be mean to Binnie?" Soobin replied with a sniffle.

"They won't, trust me. I was even told they have their own little so they know what it's like" Taehyun assured, "You'll be in good hands, Binnie."

Just then, Yeonjun walked into the living room with a backpack filled with Soobin's little stuff which consisted of his dummy, colouring book and pencil case, sippy cup and bottle if he slipped to babyspace, his favourite blanket, some pajamas and some of his favourite snacks.

"Hey, Binnie. You ready to go?" Yeonjun crouched in front of Soobin who sat on the couch.

"Scawed. Wan' go wif hyungies" he let a stray tear fall.

"Oh, baby" Yeonjun cooed as he wiped away the tear, "I'm sure TaeTae already said this but you'll be perfectly fine. Everyone in ATEEZ are really nice."

"Do I haf to?" he clutched his bunny plushie, Flops close.

"You have to" Beomgyu chimed in when him and Huening Kai walked in.

"We'd love to take you but they don't know about your headspace so it might be dangerous" Huening Kai added.

After a bit back and forth between Soobin and his caregivers, they finally got him off the couch and walked to the front of the dorm. Huening Kai helped him get ready and made sure he had everything before they left the dorm and got in the van heading to ATEEZ's dorm.

While in the van, Yeonjun reached into the bag and pulled out one of little Binnie's favourite littlespace items, his dummy. Soobin nervously sucked on the dummy and held a firm grip on Flops the whole way there. When they arrived, Yeonjun and Huening Kai got out and helped Soobin out. Huening Kai picked up Soobin onto his hip before they made their way to where ATEEZ was.

The trio were now standing in front of the door and Yeonjun knocked a couple times to let them know they were there. The door opened and Hongjoong was standing on the other side.

"Hi, guys. Is this the cute Binnie I was told we'd be taking care of?" Hongjoong turned to Soobin who turned his head away and laid it on Huening Kai's shoulder, whimpering.

"He's really shy and scared. Binnie doesn't like meeting new people" Yeonjun explained while Huening Kai lightly bounced Binnie.

"It's okay, Binnie. You don't have to be scared of us. We won't hurt you and we even have our own little that wants to meet you" Hongjoong tried again but Soobin didn't budge.

Huening Kai put Soobin down who hid behind his two caregivers and he explained they'd have to go now. Yeonjun and Huening Kai gave Soobin each a hug before saying goodbye and leaving him with Hongjoong.

Hongjoong led Soobin inside the dorm and took his bag so he wouldn't have to carry it. He tried leading Soobin to the living room to meet the others but he turned around, sat down on his bum and stared at the door while holding Flops close to his chest. Hongjoong went to look through Soobin's little stuff and Seonghwa went over to greet Soobin.

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