WayV - I'm fine | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Ten

Caregiver: WayV

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


Ten's been feeling off all day and of course, being an idol didn't help him. Ten felt warm even when he surrounded himself with multiple fans to cool down which did earn him weird looks from the other WayV members. On top of that, Ten had a nonexistent appetite, a persistent headache that came and went all day and he felt really weak, more weak than after a long day of dance practice.

That night, Ten took some medicine and went to bed early to hopefully feel better in the morning. By the time he woke up the next day, Ten still felt as bad as yesterday. He sat up in his bed and took the painkillers he left on his nightstand dry before swinging his legs over the bed, letting his feet touch the floor. Ten checked his schedule to see the day was filled with dance practice and Ten already felt so much worse at reading those words.

"Hyung!" Ten heard Yangyang call out.

Since each member lived in the same building but in their own dorm, they were also given keys to the others' dorms. That explained why Ten heard his front door open and Yangyang's voice. Yangyang took off his shoes and placed his bag down before making his way over to where Ten's room was.

Ten had slept through his alarm since he still felt shitty and WayV were running late. They had all met in the lobby of their building and after half an hour of waiting for Ten, Yangyang offered to go see what was taking him so long to which the other members agreed. He opened Ten's door and saw the older sitting on the bed, staring at the wall in front of him, completely oblivious of Yangyang's presence.

"Uh, hyung... you okay?" he asked as he sat beside Ten.

"Oh, hi, Yangyang. Yea, I'm fine. Just taking a while to wake up" Ten gave a fake smile that the younger believed was real.

"Well, hurry up and get ready because we're running late and you're the only one who needs to get ready. I'll be in the lobby."

Yangyang patted Ten's shoulder and frowned at the warmth emanating from his skin before getting up and leaving Ten's room. He slipped his shoes back on and grabbed his bag, leaving the dorm and going to the lobby where the other WayV members were.

Ten groaned as he stood up, his body aching all over despite yesterday being chill regarding dance practice. The thought of taking a shower this morning was passed to tonight since Ten just didn't have the energy. He got some practice clothes out of his closet and slipped them on, immediately feeling warm again after they were on. Ten grabbed his bag and packed everything he would need before going to the kitchen. Ten didn't have much of an appetite for anything but knew he'd get scolded by his hyung and dongsaengs for not eating so the boy picked out a couple snacks and threw them into his bag.

~ Downstairs, in the lobby ~

Ten had finally made his way into the lobby another half an hour later and saw Kun, Sicheng, Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang all waiting impatiently for him. Kun saw Ten first and took note of his disheveled look before getting up and walking over to his oldest dongsaeng.

"You okay, Tennie? You don't look that good?" Kun started smoothing out Ten's hair.

"I'm fine" he moved away from Kun's hands, "Don't know why you keep asking me that" he muttered the last part.

He knew exactly why they were asking him that. While Ten was getting ready, after Yangyang left, he decided not to stay back. Sure, it was bad considering he also took his temperature and saw he had a fever and working while he was sick was bad but a full day of dance practice meant they had a lot to go over and Ten couldn't afford to miss that.

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