Stray Kids - Mine forever pt. 4 | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main members: Minho, Jisung

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Inspired by: 'Bad Encounter' by @Hyuniv3rse

Trigger warning: Stockholm syndrome, Mention of branding, Swearing


We got another time skip, one month this time. Not much happened but there were some things. Since Minho was behaving for 3racha, they let him go outside and got him a new job. More specifically, a job at the cafe Chan's boyfriend, Jeongin worked at. It was only five minutes away from the kpop store so they could still watch Minho but he could have his freedom. This came with some rules though like he couldn't tell people about his situation except Jeongin who Chan already told what happened, he'd have to stay at the cafe during his shift unless Minho got permission from either Chan, Changbin or Jisung and if anything was to happen, Minho would go straight to their store, no questions asked. Minho, on the other hand, was excited but also sad he was working again. The black-haired male's been really bored just having to stay in the house and complained multiple times, mainly to Jisung, about letting him go out. The sad was that after being informed about getting a job that Jisung didnt work at, he already knew he'd miss him.

What was nice about being so close to where 3racha's kpop store was that whenever one of them weren't working or it was a rather slow day that day, they'd go visit Minho at the cafe and help out if needed. The cafe wasn't that big but its location in Korea made it easy to spot. Inside, the counter and area where the food and drinks were made lined the right wall. The left area of the café had a mix of different sized tables and booths, and in the farther corner from the door was a fireplace with a couch in front of it. The access for the break room was right behind the counter and a door in the break room led right to the storage room.

Minho was busy cleaning some of the tables as not many people were coming in today so he chose to do it now. The door opened and Minho looked up, ready to help Jeongin and another worker, Seungmin, with the order but he dropped the cloth as soon as he saw who it was.

"Sungie!" Minho called out, running towards the younger and trapping him in a hug.

"I missed you too, Kitten" he leaned closer towards Minho's ear and whispered, "Were you good for Jeongin and Seungmin? Did you tell anyone about your situation?"

Minho whispered back, "I didn't, Sungie. I've made sure to not say anything and it's been easy since not many people came today."

"Thank you, Kitten" Jisung was the first to pull away from the hug, breaking it.

"It's a slow day at our store too so we closed it early and came to hang out with you for a bit, Minmin" Chan added on, ruffling Minho's hair.

"I have to get back to work now or else Seungmin will get mad at me" Minho announced as he looked over at Seungmin who was staring back at him while making a drink for another customer.

Seungmin was the owner of the café and he didn't like when his workers weren't doing their job, which Minho was told on his first day by Jeongin. Minho turned back around and went to finish wiping down the tables but Jeongin said he could take over so instead, Minho went to take over as cashier. Coincidentally, 3racha also wanted to order something so Minho got to talk with them more. Chan chose to just order coffee which was unsurprising to Changbin, Jisung and Jeongin considering they knew how much Chan worked some days, Changbin ordered a slice of strawberry cake and a milkshake and Jisung ordered two slices of cheesecake because he loved the cheesecake at this café.

Since Minho couldn't carry everything in both of his hands, he had to take two trips, one for the drinks and another one for the food. He had just placed the food on the booth 3racha sat at and got so caught up with talking with them again that he didn't notice two people walk in. Minho looked up and recognized them but couldn't remember either of their names but these two people, as soon as they locked eyes with Minho, ran towards him. These two people are Hyunjin and Felix and neither of them expected Minho to be at the café. The past two months since Minho was kidnapped for a second time, the engaged duo got the police to help find him but they came up empty-handed. With each day passing with no new information, Hyunlix was getting worried and to help a bit, they went to the same café Minho worked at.

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