Seventeen - Hydrophobia | 🧸🥀❤️‍🩹 |

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Main member/Little: Seungkwan

Caregiver: Seventeen

Request/Idea - @Linlancun25


If there was one thing, one big thing that Seungkwan feared the most, one thing he hated, was water. Ever since Seungkwan was pretty little, 4 years old to be more specific, he was terrified of water. This phobia developed when his family took him and his siblings on a week-long trip to Japan. During the trip, they spent a day at the beach as it was really hot that day and Seungkwan went into the water with his siblings. They were tasked with watching him but looked away for a few seconds and when they looked back, Seungkwan was on the verge of drowning. Of course, his siblings got scolded by his parents and Seungkwan forever refused to go near deep bodies of water.

Another thing that stemmed from this trauma was his headspace. It was around when he got into PLEDIS and a couple trainees were heading to the beach and dragged him along. Seungkwan was too terrified and slipped for the first time right on the spot. Luckily, one of the other trainees knew what was happening and even though they debuted in different groups, he made sure to tell the other Seventeen members. Seventeen wasn't informed on Seungkwan's fear of water because he felt the fear was childish.

Today, Seventeen's doing a photoshoot for gose in a big park which, to Seungkwan's horror, has a big lake right in the middle of it. The first part of the photoshoot wouldn't be that close to the lake so Seungkwan could calm himself down a bit until a staff member called all 13 members over to talk.

"This isn't just a regular photoshoot. We've decided to do a treasure hunt. You'll each be given a mission card and on that card is the clue for the next card. Once you find the location, there'll be a mission to do and after you complete the mission, we'll give you the card for the next clue. After doing three missions, there'll be a clue for the final location. Go to that location, get the item, and bring it back to us. Last three people to find their items have to cook dinner while the other 10 can rest" the staff member explained.

They began handing out the cards to each idol and Seungkwan was the last person to get one. He glanced over at the lake, fear filling him even faster then back at his members who had already rushed off, seemingly knowing where the first clue was. Seungkwan opened the envelope and pulled out the card. His eyes widened the first word he saw was 'Water' and the staff pointed the camera at him so Carats watching could see what he got. The idol put on a fake smile and turned the card to face the camera, asking whoever would be watching if they wanted to try solving it. Obviously, Seungkwan knew where it was because of the one word but he pretended to not know.

Seungkwan didn't feel like letting his members or the staff down and didn't wanna be a disappointment since to him, his phobia was a childish one so he turned on his heels and slowly walked towards the lake. The whole time, Seungkwan clutched the card is his hands which were visibly shaking along with the rest of his body. He stood in front of the mini dock before stepping onto it with one foot, then the other. The scared idol almost slipped if it was not for Vernon seeing him and rushing over to help him.

"You okay, hyung?" he helped the older up, brushing all the dirt off of him.

"Y-yea. I'm f-fine" Seungkwan gave a fake smile, 'Why did my voice have to tremble like that?' he thought immediately after.

"You sure? Your voice trembled and you're shaking. Hyung, what's wrong?"

"I t-told you. I'm f-fine" the older was starting to get irritated.

"Okay..." Vernon wasnt that convinced at Seungkwan's words but chose to believe him, "But if anything's wrong, you know you can always come to us, right?"

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