NCT - That's not edible | 🧸 |

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Little: Yangyang

Caregiver: Johnny

Request/Idea - @yangyangisherenow


Yangyang of NCT was one of their littles and a cute one too. He had one of the younger headspaces in the group that made him slip to around 3 or 2 and sometimes even into babyspace. It didn't matter what age he was in, Yangyang would be a little disobedient at some times but because of his cuteness his appa, Johnny would sometimes let it slide.

Today, NCT were heading to the company but Yangyang slipped last night and was still in babyspace by the time he woke up the next morning, so he had to stay back. The other members of the huge group would've took him with them but when they first learned about his headspace, they also learned you shouldn't force a little out of their headspace. Johnny being Yangyang's main caregiver, chose to stay back with him for the day.

Their day has been going pretty well in fact. Johnny gave Yangyang a simple yogurt breakfast since he too little to eat solid food and played with him like when he usually is in babyspace. It was going well until Yangyang mistook his rattle as food even though he couldn't tell the difference between edible and inedible and bit down on it, teething on the end.

"Baby, no. Don't do that, it's yucky" Johnny sprung up once he saw this and pulled the rattle out of Yangyang's mouth.

All he got in return was a fit of giggles since Yangyang thought it was a game and placed the rattle back in his mouth, getting saliva all over it.

"Yangyang, baby. It's icky. Let appa get your dummy, I'll be right back."

Johnny removed the rattle from Yangyang's firm grip and left to grab the boy's dummy. He made sure to give it a quick wash before returning to Yangyang chewing on his sheep plushie's ear. Johnny playfully rolled his eyes at the younger before replacing the plushie's ear with his dummy.

"Maybe you just need a nap. C'mon little one. It's night-night time" Johnny cooed as he lifted Yangyang from the living room floor.

"Naanaada" Yangyang babbled as he was brought to his room.

"Yea, it's night-night time" Johnny replied as he placed Yangyang on his bed, "Nap well, baby."

Johnny pecked the little's forehead before making sure he had all his naptime things. These consisted of his dummy, plushie, pajamas, and his baby blanket which were all there. Johnny waited until Yangyang was fast asleep then left the younger to nap peacefully.

~ One hour later ~

Johnny was on the couch watching some random drama when he heard wails coming from Yangyang's room. Johnny basically flew from the couch to his room and saw the little laying on his side, tears flowing down his face and his dummy was on the floor. It looked like Yangyang had broken the dummy accidentally. He instead used part of the blanket

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry your dummy broke. Appa will have to buy a new one soon" Johnny smiled sadly, pulling the little into his lap, "Let's go to the living room, little one."

Johnny hoisted the little onto his hip and carried him to the living room. Yangyang immediately spotted his bag of blocks he played with when in an older headspace and pointed at it before looking up at his appa.

"You sure you're old enough baby? I don't want you hurting yourself."

"Daba" Yangyang babbled while chewing on the poor sheep's foot.

"I'll let you but be careful, baby."

Johnny placed the little down on the floor and dumped out some of the blocks for the little to play with while he continued the drama. Johnny had to stop again when Yangyang chomped down on the edge of one of the blocks, sucking on it like his dummy.

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