aespa - Trouble at the park | 🧸🥀 |

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Littles: Giselle, Ningning

Caregivers: Karina, Winter

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


SM's girl group aespa housed two adorable and sweet littles, Giselle and Ningning. Ningning usually slipped around a few years younger than Giselle and Giselle always referred to herself as 'Ningning's big sister' in littlespace.

The two littles rarely caused trouble and when they did, it wasn't that bad and their caregivers, Karina and Winter, never had the heart to punish the pair. Some days when both littles slipped into their headspaces, Giselle knew she had the time to destress but instead she protected Ningning and this in a way helped Giselle destress.

The group was granted a day off and Giselle and Ningning were both spending the day in their headspaces. The morning of the day off, Giselle already woke up in her headspace at four years old and set off to find her fellow little. Giselle saw how Ningning too woke up in her headspace at two years old and the two waited for Winrina to wake up.

~ Two hours later ~

Karina and Winter woke up soon after Giselle and Ningning and found them in the living room. Karina stayed with the littles while Winter set off to make the whole group pancakes. The four all ate and right after she finished, Giselle declared she wanted to go to the park.

They got the littles dressed and ready and were now putting their shoes on.

"You excited, Ningning baby?" Winter asked as she tied Ningning's shoe.

"Yea! Pawk!" Ningning bounced lightly and clapped her hands.

"Wets go! Its gonna be late when we get there" Giselle tugged on Karina's hand.

"Hold on, Gigi. When Winter finishes with Ningning's shoes, then we can go, okay?"


Winter quickly finished with Ningning's other shoe and helped the little up to her feet before making sure she was dressed warmly and they all left the dorm.

When aespa left, the mid-morning breeze flew past them. Giselle saw Ningning's free hand as the other one was holding Winter's and grabbed onto it.

"You excited, Ningning? I wove the park" Giselle smiled as they walked towards it.

"Vewy! Wove pawk too" Ningning exclaimed happily, copying Giselle's smile.

Fortunately, when Giselle and Ningning opened up and told Karina and Winter about their headspaces and how little Gigi and little Ningning loved the park, the two caregivers found a park specifically for littles that was close to the dorm and they always took the two mentally younger girls there.

They finally arrived at the park and Giselle was close to running off and taking Ningning with her when Karina guided the three to a shady tree they always set their stuff up at.

"Let's get some sunscreen on you two then you can go play" she announced as she laid out a blanket on the soft grass.

"Okay. Ningning, Rina unnie's putting sunscween on us" Giselle poked Ningning's arm who was picking at the grass.

"Otay" Ningning turned to the other three.

After Karina and Winter both put sunscreen on the littles, Giselle jumped up from the blanket and helped Ningning up to before the two ran towards the park. Winrina watched how instead of doing her own thing, Giselle followed Ningning and did what she wanted to do and the caregivers loved that about her.

Ningning eventually wanted to play tag and waddles over to where Karina and Winter sat and asked them to play. Karina denied because she was looking after their stuff but Winter agreed. Giselle was it first and they took off running. She went for Winter and got her easily as she was going easy on the littles then Winter went for Ningning. Ningning looked behind and saw Winter close. She didn't notice however that there was a rock right in front of her.

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