RIIZE - A little fall | 🥀 |

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Sickie: Anton

Caregiver: RIIZE

Request/Idea - The author (Me)


"Okay guys. Let's do two more runthroughs then we can head home since it's getting late" Shotaro announced to the other members.

RIIZE was currently having dance practice and working on the group's newest song 'Love 119'. They had been dancing for around 3 hours and to say the members were exhausted would be an understatement. Eunseok, Sungchan, Wonbin, Sohee and Anton all were complaining about wanting to leave so Shotaro had to step up.

"We'll order take out for dinner tonight. Just two more runthroughs" he pleaded.

"Fine, hyung. But I get to choose where" Sungchan spoke up.

"Okay, sure. The quicker we do this the quicker we can head home."

With most members groaning as they stood up, the remaining four members got into position along with Shotaro and Sungchan.

The first run through of 'Love 119' went pretty well. Especially for Anton. Being the youngest member, the maknae, it was one of the reasons he'd been dancing the hardest that day. This was also a small problem because Anton also made some mistakes but handled them well.

As Shotaro restarted the song for the last time that night, all was well. They had gotten to part of the chorus and hadn't messed up until Anton missed one of his steps, falling backwards onto his left wrist and hearing a crunch.

"Anton!" Sohee screamed.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Wonbin asked right after.

Anton laid on his side and clutched his wrist to his chest, tears streaming down his face. The pain was unbearable and he cried out in pain if he even moved his wrist in the slightest.

Eunseok paused the music and rushed over to where his dongsaengs and Shotaro were huddled around the maknae.

"Is it your wrist?" Shotaro questioned softly.

"I-It hurts s-so b-bad hyung" Anton managed to get out over his sobs.

"Let me see. We might have to get it checked at a hospital."

Anton slowly removed his other hand to reveal his wrist. He heard gasps from the others and looked down to see that it had already started swelling, as well as it was slightly bent. There was also a purplish bruise on the wrist too, all of this a clear indication something was wrong.

Wonbin helped Anton sit up, being careful of his wrist and let him lean against his chest. Sungchan pulled out his phone and called for a driver to take them to the hospital.

"Aww, baby" Wonbin pulled Anton into a hug.

"H-Hyung. It's so p-painful. M-make it st-stop" he clutched Wonbin's shirt in his normal hand.

"I'm sorry this happened Anton. Sungchan called a driver that can take you" he assured.

Sungchan finished the call and turn ed to the others to inform them that the driver would allow two people to accompany Anton. Shotaro was the first to volunteer and Sohee was the second, claiming he wanted to make sure his fellow maknae was okay.

"See you guys soon hopefully!" Eunseok shouted.

"We'll miss you, Anton" Wonbin added.

"Hopefully it's not as bad as it looks" Sungchan ended with.

"Thanks hyungs" Anton shyly smiled before being led out of the building.

Sohee helped Anton in the car and sat beside him on his right while Shotaro sat on Anton's left and their manager in the front with their driver. Sohee lightly rubbed his thumb across Anton's cheek to get rid of the tears that kept on coming.

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