ATEEZ - A headache worse than it seems | 🥀 |

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Sickie: San

Caregiver: ATEEZ

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Trigger warning: Throwing up (look for the ⭐️), blood


It was a sorta cold day and ATEEZ had a day off. They had planned to spend time as a group as they didn't get many breaks and the ones ATEEZ did get, the members were usually off doing their own thing. That's why Hongjoong told the members last night it'd be a day with the whole group.

Thats what led them to where they are now. The whole group is currently walking to a small café near KQ entertainment, wanting to sit down and have a small snack before heading to an arcade a little while away. There was a thin layer of ice in some spots of the sidewalk so Hongjoong kept reminding the front of the group while Seonghwa reminded the back of the group.

Some members in ATEEZ held cameras to film their day out for ATINY. They were close to the café as in it was in their eyeline and they could see the sign when San decided to bet Wooyoung that'd he'd have to buy San something if San made it first to the café. Wooyoung agreed and the two set off running.

"Guys, be careful!" Seonghwa yelled, "There's ice!"

Wooyoung and San both heard Seonghwa yell but ignored it and kept running. This ended up being a problem when Wooyoung misstepped.

"Ah fuck!" Wooyoung screamed as he slipped on a patch of ice and flew forwards, bumping into San.

The two fell to the ground. Wooyoung landed on San so he only got a couple scratches and maybe twisted his ankle but San was a little more unlucky. When he fell after Wooyoung accidentally pushed him, he banged his head against the hard pavement causing his forehead to start bleeding as well as his cheek.

When Wooyoung came to his senses, he scampered off San and immediately started apologizing like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh my god! San, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Are you okay?" he kept saying over and over.

"I think just, ugh, my head hurts a little bit." San responded, still disoriented from the fall.

"Sit up fully and I'll see if you're hurt" Hongjoong told San when he crouched down in his eyeline.

San struggled to sit up so Wooyoung and Yeosang helped him sit up, steadying him when he swayed a bit. San heard all the members gasp and Hongjoong kinda roughly grabbing his face and turning it towards him.

"San, you have a huge scrap on your forehead and your cheek's cut up too" he explained to San while looking through his bag for tissues.

"We should probably get you home and clean it up. We can go to the café as a group another day" Seonghwa added, "Wooyoung, how about you take him home since you two are pretty close?" he turned to Wooyoung who still looked guilty.

"Uh, sure" Wooyoung nodded, helping San stand up.

"We'll be there soon. If you want, we can head to the cafe to pick up something for you, hyungs" Jongho offered to the pair who stood a few meters away from them.

"Sure, that'd be nice" Wooyoung smiled.

San and Wooyoung soon parted ways with the other six, going back to the dorm. San's headache had gotten progressively worse during their walk. It was pounding and he began to feel nauseous. Along side these, San's been feeling foggy and quite dizzy too. He thought it could just be him recovering from the fall so he didn't think much of it.

Wooyoung on the other hand felt something was off. Sure his ankle hurt but while Hongjoong was checking to see if San was okay, he did a quick check of his ankle and saw it was bruised. But this isn't what he meant. Wooyoung took note of the way San was walking along with the fact that he saw that San looked off. Wooyoung too shrugged it off and they continued the walk back.

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