Xdinary Heroes - Astraphobia | ❤️‍🩹 |

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Main member: Jungsu

Caregiver: Xdinary Heroes (Mainly Gunil)

Request/Idea - The author (Me)

Trigger warning: Slight mention of blood, Panic attacks


Oh, rainy days. Some days, rainy days can be amazing but other days, not so much. Today is the 'not so much' side for rainy days, well, it isn't really a rainy day but a thunderstorm accompanied by lightning. It was like a full show that most of the members liked and yes, I meant to say most. That was not a typo. There was one member in Xdinary Heroes that hated thunder and lightning and that member went by the name of Jungsu. And he was the only member who knew of this fear.

Although it seemed like he wasn't afraid of something so childish, when that giant storm came along like now, it was practically the end of the world for him. You see, Jungsu was terrified by thunder and lightning simply because of how loud it was. This was something most kids had when they were younger but for Jungsu, poor Jungsu never grew out of this phase and was somewhat on edge if anything sudden was to happen. So when Xdinary Heroes learned that their schedules were cancelled and they had a day off because of the bad storm, Jungsu was not happy. Mainly because the dorm's walls were not soundproof and he would be able to hear the thunder.

Since they were granted an unexpected day off, Jooyeon suggested a day full of watching movies that the other 5 members were more than happy when agreeing. While Seungmin and Hyeongjun went to the kitchen to prepare snacks which included popcorn, drinks and lunch (since they haven't eaten lunch yet) and Jiseok and Jooyeon prepared the living room to spend the next 10 hours in, Jungsu awkwardly stood against one of the walls in the living room. Since Gunil didn't have anything to do, he was gonna ask Jungsu for his help to pick out movie options but the way he noticed his dongsaeng flinch at the sound of thunder from outside told him it may not be the best time. He took note of this before choosing to look for movies himself.

"We finished the food and popcorn's currently being made" Seungmin announced as he walked in and set they tray of food on the coffee table.

"Where's Hyeongjun?" Gunil asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"He's making the popcorn" the younger sat down beside Gunil and Jungsu sat down at the other end of the couch, "And I'm assuming Jiseok hyung and Jooyeon are still getting pillows and blankets?"


"We're here! We're he- ow!" Jiseok yelled as he ran into the main area, tripping on one of the blankets dragging on the floor and falling flat on his face.

"And that's why I told you not to run, hyung" Jooyeon followed behind the older.

"Says you!" Jiseok got up and smacked Jooyeon with a pillow, "You were the one to suggest we race!"

Jiseok and Jooyeon made their way into the living room and distributed the blankets and pillows before settling in front of the couch on the floor. Hyeongjun called out from the kitchen saying he needed help carrying the popcorn bowls and Gunil, being the closest to the kitchen, got up to help. After each member had their proper popcorn bowl, Hyeongjun sat in Gunil's previous spot and Gunil sat down beside Jungsu but mainly because he wanted to keep an eye on the younger. Because of what happened earlier, Gunil was immediately worried something was wrong with his dongsaeng and he wanted to just silently watch over him.

~ A few hours later ~

It was now 9:00pm and Xdinary Heroes were on their 6th movie. For most of the members (i.e Jiseok, Seungmin, Hyeongjun and Jooyeon), the day went well and were now enjoying some ice cream their manager had brought over when they were eating dinner. For Gunil and Jungsu, it was a different story. Jungsu's been getting more and more scared about the thunderstorm he could clearly see from the window beside the TV and was on the verge of a panic attack. He unknowingly gave himself hangnails which he then ripped off which was a habit he did when about to have a panic attack. Blood started coating the edges of his nails but Jungsu was too scared to notice. Gunil had noticed however and tried calling Jungsu which, surprisingly, didn't work. He told Jooyeon who was sitting in front of Jungsu who then told Jiseok, then Seungmin and Hyeongjun knew.

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